Hi there! You’ve found your way to Thornberry, my blog. I’m in my mid-late fifties, living in Melbourne, Australia with my husband and two young adult daughters. I work part-time in health administration.
This blog was started way back in 2007 as an online journal to document and share my sewing and crochet – and anything else that I feel like including. Mum gave me access to her sewing machine as a child and I started with doll’s clothes, and once in my teens I sewed many of my own clothes. I learned to sew by following the instructions in the McCalls/Simplicity/Butterick etc patterns, and always had Mum to help our when needed. My 21st birthday present was my own sewing machine. Now that I have a dedicated sewing space I sew as often as I can find the opportunity.
I also use this blog to document our family holidays and act as a travel diary. If you enjoy some armchair travel you might also enjoy those posts.
You can also find me on Instagram @thornberrylara, which is a private account. Feel free to request to follow me if it’s clear from your instagram profile that you’re interested in craft. I also have a public Instagram account @_lara_reads where I track the books that I read.
If you’re interested in my daughter’s crochet, you can find her crochet account on Instagram @dacapchet.
My Pinnock is an Exclusiv Plus from around 1989 and the manual for it can be found here. It is 16.5MG, so be prepared for it to take a while to download.
If you are looking for information on OLD Pinnock sewing machines, please read through the comments below – I can’t help you, but there are lots of generous people who might. Their email addresses or web pages are usually included.
I hope you don’t feel this is too forward – I recently bought a sewing machine – a Pinnock circa 1950s. It has a little plaque on it saying Trendsetter Standard. Anywho, this is my first machine and I thought I would be able to remember how to thread a sewing machine from the days when I used to sew with my gramma, but sadly – I don’t. After much fruitless googling I came upon a comment you had made on another blog saying that your old Pinnock was still going strong. I was wondering if you had any tips or suggestions for where I might get a manual or any help at all really. I don’t want to make lavish creations – I just want to run up a few curtains and take up some hems, an dmaybe make some basic bits for my wee ones (girl 3, boy 5).
Any help you can give this frazzled Brisvegas mum would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and good thoughts,
Hi Marcelle
I wondered if you had received an answer about how to thread the Pinnock Trendsetter Standard? I also have one and can’t figure it out. I got it of my neighbour though, so when she returns from overseas I’ll ask her. In the mean time I wondered if you’d had any luck. Regards, Hazel
Hi Ladies,
Hazel, I’ve forwarded your email to Marcelle. I’m about to search out my manual, but my machine is from the late 80s, so possibly will not be useful to you. Let me know how you get on!
We inherited a Pinnock Trend Setter Sapphire sewing machine and you were kind enough to send a person a copy of your manual. I am the one who is computer literate – it’s my partner that is sewing literate :-). We were wondering if you would be kind enough to send us a copy also. Please let us know of any costs that may be incurred in this process and we would be happy to refund any said costs.
Kind Regards, Peter
Hi I have just inherited a Pinnock Trendsetter sewing machine but do not have a instruction manual ,I have just found you on the internet and wondered if you could help. Thanking you Jenny Marshall
I have been looking for a manual for my Pinnock model 1984. Would you be able to help me? Kind regards, Lan
I have just been given an old Pinnock sewing machine without an instruction manual. I was wondering if you could please send me a copy also
Kind regards
What model is it? This is important.
Hi all

I have a 1950’s/1960’s Pale Green Zig Zag Pinnock Sewing Machine…
I spent all afternoon today, trying to thread/get the old duck to actually stitch – Very frustrating..
Anyway, the reason I am adding to this discussion, is that my 88 year old dearest Grandmother is an EXPERT!! This is, after all her machine (I borrowed it!!) lol
In any case, I am visiting her tommorrow and whilst I am there will get her to fix up whatever it is that I have done backwards to mine/hers
In the process I will document and take photos of just how she does it!!
So if anyone still needs to know – please do not hesitate to ask – I should have the answer for you VERY soon!!! lol
Do you know where I can get the manual for this machine? And, possibly spare parts?
Hi. Is this the Craftamatic model? I have just bought one and also need help! mine didnt come the accessories either, so Im wondering about the feet that are compatible, etc. to fit this machine. Mine is the pale green retro one which sounds like it could match yours! Please help, any info on this machine would be greatly valued! cheers.
Sorry, one more detail. Mine says Pinnock Craftmatic (and Craftamatic) Model Z-573.
Hi there, I hope you don’t mind if i post here, I also have a pinnock, and am unsure how to thread it – this is the only place i have found that may have the solution! I would love to see the photos of how you thread it.
hi came across this site while searching for a manual for a old Pinnock sewing machine what im about to buy on ebay. I have had no luck whatsoever, would anyone be so kind and email me ,where i could find one
Kind regards
I have an old Pinnock and a manual, will happily scan and send to anyone who needs anything from it
Hi soils, I have a pinnock majestic model no Hz -140. I do not know how to make it work. Plz help. Thank you.
Thanks very much Soile!
Hi. Discovered you today when I thought to extend my links to fabric…….duh……
I love your sewing room and have never heard of your Pinnock so I also learnt something new.
I am in the prime of life [52] ha ha and have been married for 24 years. We have a 23 year old son who is a talented writer/computer problemsolver. We live in Randwick in Sydney so you are the closet person I have blogged.
Got to get off now to read your back entries.
I have a pinnock sewing machine and i need instructions on how to thread the sewing machine and any other basic instructions on how this machine works thankyou
Hi Jo,
I’ll email you some information. My machine is from the late 80s – I hope that the instructions will be relevant! If your machine is older than that, drop an email to Soile (her address is in an earlier comment) who has kindly offered to scan her manual for anyone who needs it!
OH someone else with a pinnock from the 80 s …would it be the concorde model ? i Have lost some of the feet for mine and am looking for a 1/4 inch quilting foot ..but where can i buy this ???
Hi Lara, My Pinnock machine has no model number or model name on it but it is an older one, possibly from the 1970s or 1980s but i am unsure. Information i have is that it is made in Japan by CFM Industries Pty Ltd, it is cream in colour, electric pedal operated. Stitches it does are: straight, zigzag, blind hem, stretch, buttonhole, reverse. Also has a flat plate useful for when sewing larger sewing fabric pieces which is removable leaving a free arm for smaller jobs like trouser hems, sleeve cuffs. Can you assist with a user manual for it?
yep i am a male, and i do the sowing, my wife cannot, i have a pinnock trendsetter sapphire and use it with no troubles and i figured out how to thread it, if any one requires pics or help, i am happy to help
Hi Martin,
Help!!! I also have a sapphire and i can’t get it to sew. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Martin, i have a pinnock trendsetter sapphire sewing machine and can’t seem to get it to work. If you could let me know how to thread it then hopefully i can get it working. Thanks
WOW….I also have a Pinnock Sewmatic machine prolly late 50,s and also need an instruction manual..I am having problems getting the lower tension correct. I would appreciate any help ..Thanks…
I’m sure this is miles too late for you but just in case it helps someone else!
Here’s a pdf of the full Pinnock Sewmatic manual
Thank you for this manual, I couldn’tfind it, I love my Pinnock sewmatic to the last metal bits!! Beautiful practical durable for ever:-) Thank you again
Hi Barbara, I hope you have worked out your sewing machine by now. I have a Pinnock sewmatic too, I will never part with it!
Hi, I have scanned a page out of my Pinnock Sewmatic instruction book which shows you how to thread it. Hopefully this will cover a few models. If anyone needs a specific page let me know. Regards Linda.
Hi Linda my name is corey and i have recently picked up a pinnock fridor sewmatic and am having great difficulty trying to find a manual and have noticed you seem to have the same machine and was wondering if i could buy a copy from you if poss?? FINGERS CROSSED please let me know if you can help me out thanking you …corza…
Hi Linda
I”m after some instructions on threading my Pinnock. I’d be grateful for any assistance.
Jenny, what model do you have?
hi I saw that you may be able to send me a scanned picture of how to thread a pin no k sewing machine. I would really appreciate if you would kindly email me a copy. I have a pinnock 900. my email address is ydalby@gmail.com.com. kind regards Yvonne
Hi Yvonne.
Did you ever get a response or find out how to thread your machine. I have a Pinnock 900 and manual so would be happy to scan and email threading instructions if you still need them.
Jennifer Marshall
I have a Pinnock 900 and have never been able to find a manual. Could you share your manual? I would be eternally grateful.
Hi, I have a Pinnock 900 but no manual. Do you still have your manual as I would really like one. Could you possibly share with me?
Hoping you can help out.
Thanks, Kirsty
Hi Kirsty, just wondering if you found a manual or more info on your Pinnock 900? You seem to be the most recent commentor here regarding that specific machine, and I was recently gifted one myself. Can’t find anything much online about it yet, but I’m not giving up!
Get in touch if you have anything or want to know more of what I may find in the future. My email is kute_kitteee@hotmail.com (forgive the child Jess for her early 2000’s email choices…. And the adult Jess who refuses to give up a hotmail email account xD)
Cheers, Jess.
Hi Tracy and Linda I have brought a pinnock trendsetter royal and also would love to know how to thread it if your dear granny has shown you. My email is mischelle.kim@hotmail.com
cant seem to get the url to show. type the following to your address bar http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y157/bondtype/pinnock.jpg
Hi! I’m currently in possession of a Pinnock Trendsetter Standard.. but would like to sell it! I’d like it to go to a good home but have no idea about it’s worth/value etc. From browsing on the internet, they seem to be collectables. Can anyone help? Many thanks, Justine
I was trying to find the pattern for the cute crocheted top you made from sew mad’s pattern. went to her site, but she doesn’t post it either. can u let me know
HI Lara
Email me through my blog to send your postal details – so I can send you the Oriental Bloom Handbag Pattern that you have won – gee you are quick off the mark – I have been looking at your site and you are one busy woman!! –
I would appreciate it if you could add me to your blog list – as I am trying to make a big effort with my blogging – new year resolution thingy! – Well now that I am doing my own patterns I thought I should step it up a gear .
Anyway Congratulation on winning a pattern and I hope you have fun with it
Cheers Tania
I am so, so hopeful you can help me with this…I’m trying to make the fat bottom bag from Happy Hooker and it’s driving me nuts trying to reconcile rows 2&3…I’d say I’m ‘advanced beginner’ at this point, and I’d really like to make this bag. Row 2 is ok, I end up w/ 21 stitches as it says I should…then in row 3, I end up with an extra stitch from row 2 unstitched-in (or something to that effect;-) It says to hhdc in last 7 stitches but there’s 8 left, no many how many times I undo it and try again, I’ve drawn it out too and it just doesn’t work…can you tell me how to fix this? I’ve looked all over on line and you seem to have posted on this bag most recently; I also looked on Debbie Stoller’s website but the corrections on it are what actually appears in my book (I have the newest addition). Thanks so much if you’re able to help me –P.S. I’ve been looking for good crafting blogs and I’m adding yours to my bookmarks -it’s great!
I wanted to write and let you know how very much I enjoy your blog! It is such a bright spot in my day. I have been so inspired by your crochet and sewing projects! I am going to attempt to make the Seashells and Posies Dress you made. It will be for my daughter, Hailey, 11 months. Yours turned out beautiful! I’m also going to attempt the Boteh scarf after seeing how wonderful yours have turned out. I love the Interweave Crochet magazines, but seeing a “real” person make the projects inspires me much more than the magazine. Keep up the great work! – A fan from the USA
Hi everyone,
I am looking for some help with my Grannies Pinnock Sew Princess?! It is my late Australian Grandmothers machine and I think it must be about 40 years old? Maybe older. It is solid green metal and comes in a little wooden base with a carry case. There are no instructions at all and I am really hoping I can start sewing with it. Can anyone help? I am based in Scotland and there does not seem to be any Pinnock’s over here.. any help much appreciated!!
….I have a Pinnock procision built treadmaster machine and also need an instruction manual..I am having what needles to use and do the needle eyes are facing you or to the side plus what needles to use
problems with tention plus i dont know what all switches are for. I would appreciate any help .. anyone have a manual or could helllpppppThanks
I was inspired by your version of New Look 6705 and went out and bought it myself! I’m having a little trouble figuring out which size to make. It looks like a loose-fitting design but it wouldn’t suit me if it were too billowy. If you don’t mind me asking (and I hope this isn’t too forward!) what is your bust measurement, and which size did you make? I’m trying to figure out how roomy it is. (Is that what is meant by ‘ease’?) If you don’t want to broadcast that on the web, you can email me instead.
G’day from the land down under. Here are the threading instructions.1 Place spool of thread on spool pin.
2. Pass thread through thread guide (at rear of pressure regulator, shiny cylinder on top lh of machine). 3. Draw thread around and in between tension discs (at rear of tension adjuster knob, lh of machine). 4. Sticking out of the machine lh, immediately above the tension regulating knob is a retaing bar. Pass the thread over that and under the wire take-up spring immediately in front of the aforementioned knob. 5 Now pass the thtread from rear to fron through the eye in the take-up lever ( the thing that oscillates up and down on the lh of the machine while you are sewing) 6. Pass the thread through the two guides just above the needle. 7 Thread the needle from left to right. If the site supervisor can tell me how, I can supply a picture for all to see, I know that desciption may seem complicated. For interest a beaut lady in Britain scanned and sent me a copy of her manual and for several monhs now (computer crash etc) I have been tidying it up. When done, I would be pleased to post it on a site like this one. Incidentally, I’m an electrical engineer (bloke) and I bought my Pinnock at the tip with a broken foot control housing. Tha’s fixed and I love the machine, just lie most people on this site. Bye Warwick
Sorry about some typos in my last post! Better stick to engineering! Warwick
Hello again, the threading instructions are for the Trendsetter model. There are many others it turns out, so perhaps the instructions for my machine would be better for some.
Hi Warticle, my name is tanya and live in Brisbane. I have a pinnock majestic sewing mechine. MODEL NO-HZ-X40. I do not know how to operate. Plz help. Thank you.
Threading instructions for a machine with the tension adjusting knob facing you while seated.
1. Turn the balance wheel towards you so that the take-up lever (the bit that goes up and down while you’re sewing) is at its highest position.
2. Place a spool of thread on the spool pin on top of the machine.
3. Draw the thread off the spool and through either one or two (depending on machine) guides on top of the machine.
4. Pull the thread down the front of the machine and pass it beneath the thread tensioner assembly (the bit with the knob facing you) from right to left, passing it between the tension discs there.
5. At the left side of the tensioner assembly there’s a tension spring in the shape of a loop. Pull the thread under the loop and continue to pull it gently upwards, while restraining the spool also gently. This will cause the thread to slip into a crotch at the rear upper parts of the tensioner assembly.
6. Now pass the thread from right to left through the eye of the take-up lever.
7. Nearly finished! Draw the thread vertically downwards and through a guide on the face of the machine just above the needle and then through a wire lop immediately above the needle.
8. Now thread the needle from left to right.
Thanks so much for all your help Warwick! I’m sure that it will assist many people.
I just saw your Boteh scarf on Katittudes and it is beautiful! Also you are one of the few people I am aware of who has the same name as I do!
We have just acquired a Pinnock sewing machine. Complete with original instruction book!! The book says it is a Zig-Zag, but apart from that there is no model identification that we can find. It has been sitting in a garage for sevral years, and the motor doesn’t want to work, but apart from that, the machine itself seems to do all it is supposed to. If anyone has any information, we would love to find out as much as possible about it. ( I am the sewer, but my husband collects sewing machines!) If any one needs any information from the book, I will gladly email them.
Hi Suejat, I doubt you will see this (it’s been three years since this post!). I also have a Pinnock Zig-Zag machine and would love to know more about it. Are you able to scan the instruction book at all? Would be hugely appreciated… Many thanks!!
Hi StreateeiG, Can I ask, did Suejat reply to your request? I’m wondering if she has the same email address as its such a long time ago and a lot can change in that space of time. I have absolutely no idea how to work a sewing machine. I have found out how to oil them generally which is something, although I’m on a dongle and therefore unable to get unlimited downloads on the subject, I’m really after a manual and hopefully that’s it!
Kind Regards
Hi Suejat, I’ve just found this blog today so its been quite some time since your posting. Is it possible I could have a copy of that manual. My machine is an old Pinnock Pax Electric sewing machine and whilst the motor runs the needle doesn’t move. Its probably in need of a good glug of oil. Im in England and had never even heard of Pinnock, I found out it was Australian from the internet, I was very surprised. Kind Regards Pam
Hi! I love your tag blankie, I want to make one and was wondering if you have tried it with mikee fabric? I have a ton of it and want to try this blanket out with it, would it work well? Thanks!
A new friend of mine have put all this work into making a pdf for the basic manual for the pinnock and I hope he gets out here soon to make sure everyone who needs any information will easily find that….he put a lot of work into it and it is absolutly brilliant…
Have just purchased an old Pinnock and desperately need a manual to get up and running. If there is anyway you can send me the manual that you talked about back in November last year, that would be sensational.
Excited to get sewing!
Hi Lara:
Sorry to leave a comment, but I can’t find your email address. My name is Rachel and I have a blog/company called Mamma Made Designs. I really respect your work in the community and I was wondering if you would be interested in testing a sewing kit that I am releasing this coming Spring. You can check it out at this link and let me know if you are interested.
Thanks again and sorry about the comment.
I am looking to buy a foot pedal and electric plug for a Pinnock sewing machine Model 5300 CFM. I have the machine minus the pedal and electricity lead.
Hi everyone I have just been given my elder sisters old Pinnock machine (she passed away last year) but we haven’t been able to find the instruction manual. The machine was purchased in 1964 and is a Pinnock Trendsetter. Can anyone help as my younger sister has taken up sewing so the machine is going to her. Gayle
Hi I saw your black forest bag I’m interested in any tips you might have to help the bag keep its shape.
I hope you don’t mind or think I’m being too forward. I found your blog as I was searching for a tutorial on little girl twirly skirts. I found yours and your tutorial was so easy to read and i was so excited to make a skirt for my girls after reading it. You had mentioned that you didn’t have a .pdf for it so I copy and pasted everything into word and then figured I went through all that trouble so I could print it out for myself that I thought I might as well make it into a .pdf for you to pass out so others can print and use your wonderful tutorial! Let me know if you would like to see it. I love to do things like this and I know I am a geek for it.
Now off to go sew some skirts!
Hi, I came here via Sooz and really enjoying seeing your crochet and fabric projects. I particularly love seeing your crochet as that’s my current addiction.
In Sooz’s blog she posted pics of a crafting/wardrobe refashion event that she organized and I stopped dead when I saw a picture of someone (you) wearing a gorgeous green (crochet?) shrug. I wondered if you would mind telling me where you got the pattern? (I assume that you made it.)
Thanks for any help….and once again I really enjoy seeing your projects here!
i would realy love some help with getting my mother in laws pinnock sewgem working again, we have no clue how to work it
I found this blog whilst trying to find info on an old Pinnock sewing machine that I have. The machine is my Mom’s but she doesn’t use it, so I’m planning to.
I already have a Pinnock manual (thanks Soile!) but it is for a different model to that which I have.
It’s a big heavy, metal Pinnock one from the 1960s and it’s about 40+ years old. I first thought that it was a British make, but it turns out it is probably Australian.
I have a load of photos (below) and would really appreciate it if someone could identify the model type and / or suggest where I might get a manual for it
Thanks in advance, Phil
Hi, I’m looking for a manual for a Pinnock Standard Mark II. If any one can help I would love to hear from you. Thanks Tanya.
Hi Lara,
I’ve just recently started crocheting and I’m hooked! (Pardon the pun)
Inspired by your wool eater blanket, I’d love to make one of my own but it seems that Sarah’s blog is viewable by invitation only – is the pattern a downloadable one that you could send me a copy of? I’d be much appreciated!
My email is restlesswillow@gmail.com if you get a chance.
Two Cheese Please
Hi Lara, I absolutely love love love your crochet and sewing projects. Been following your blog for few months now after I quit my job to stay at home with my daughter to breastfeed and homeschool her. Your crochet turned out much much more beautiful than the ones in the magazines which I saw on the web. I love flower yoke top and summer dress that you made. However, I’m from Malaysia and the mags not available here. If only you’re kind enough to pass me the patterns thru email? I’d like to make one for my 4months-old daughter. Please please help me out here?
love, ayuni
do you sell crcoheted dress?
Hi Lara
Just came across this crochet pattern and I thought of you! http://www.berroco.com/exclusives/celestine_crochet/celestine_crochet.html
It’s a bit ‘Anne Claire Petit’ and may not be ‘up your alley’ but I think it’s pretty sweet. Hope all is well with you and yours. Hope to catch up sometime soon.
Hi all,
I am looking at buying an overlocker and have come across and old pimmock babylock BL3 437. I have tried to search reviews on these machines but there is nothing out there.
Has anyone used one of these machines and are they any good?
Hi everyone!
I’ve just managed to pick up a Pinnock Trendsetter Gem 1964 model, and was wondering if anyone had a manual or knew of where I could find a manual please? Am very keen to start sewing with it, just had a look and it has beautifully been maintained
If you know, please send me an email
Hi Rachel,
Am in the same position, obtained this Pinnock Trendsetter Gem machine, excellent condition but NO manual have you had any luck yet with manual? will let you know if I do.byee Tony
G’day from the land down under. Here are the threading instructions.1 Place spool of thread on spool pin.2. Pass thread through thread guide (at rear of pressure regulator, shiny cylinder on top lh of machine). 3. Draw thread around and in between tension discs (at rear of tension adjuster knob, lh of machine). 4. Sticking out of the machine lh, immediately above the tension regulating knob is a retaing bar. Pass the thread over that and under the wire take-up spring immediately in front of the aforementioned knob. 5 Now pass the thtread from rear to fron through the eye in the take-up lever ( the thing that oscillates up and down on the lh of the machine while you are sewing) 6. Pass the thread through the two guides just above the needle. 7 Thread the needle from left to right. If the site supervisor can tell me how, I can supply a picture for all to see, I know that desciption may seem complicated. For interest a beaut lady in Britain scanned and sent me a copy of her manual and for several monhs now (computer crash etc) I have been tidying it up. When done, I would be pleased to post it on a site like this one. Incidentally, I’m an electrical engineer (bloke) and I bought my Pinnock at the tip with a broken foot control housing. Tha’s fixed and I love the machine, just lie most people on this site. Bye Warwick
Hi everyone I have just been given a old Pinnock Trendsetter Crescent machine which used to belong to my wifes grandmother but we haven’t been able to find the instruction manual. The machine the machine is great now we have figured out how to thread it but wwould love to know what the buttons and spare feet do Can anyone help us as my caravan could do with some new seat covers please.
Cheers Jai.
My sewing better than my spelling…sometimes.
Hi I need an instuction manual for a pinnock model 52o
can anyone help.
I have inherited my mothers old Pinnock De Luxe Sewing Machine – Model 900. Wondering if anyone has an old manual they could email or point me in the right direction.
Thanks Gloria
Hi Gloria have you found out anything about your machine, I think I have the same model, is yours green?
Gloria. Did u find. Manual? If so, cld I pls have an email copy. Thank you so much. Joy.
Whilst doing research on soldiers from Mosman, Sydney who diede in WW1, I found the record of William Arthur Pinnock who was killed in action 30 Aug 1916 serving with the 45th Battalion AIF. He would have been killed at Pozieres. In his records there is a sad query from his father, J A Pinnock, of Pinnock Sewing Machine Company, 8 Victoria Market, Sydney seeking information on his son. Another son, Clarence Tunbridge Pinncok,served with the 13th Battalion and survived the War.
I have found this thread while searching the net for a manual for a Pinnock MST -101 walking foot machine. I bought it yesterday in a secondhand shop and am having real difficulty setting it up. I’m sure the upper thread tensioner has been taken apart at some stage and not put back together properly as no matter how lightly its set it still has too much tension. Also I’m not 100% sure i’ve even threaded the machine properly as it’s layed out unlike any machine i’ve seen before.
Can anyone help with a manual ???????
Like Clay Webb I am having problems with a Pinnock SewQueen which a friend gave to me. His comment was that it had not been used for years and he could not get it to work. The machine is in good condition except for some enamel chips. Everything works very smoothly and well except….the upper thread tensioner. I know it has been previously pulled apart and it is now in pieces. The tensioner spring appears misshapen. If anyone has a diagram on how to re-assemble the tensioner I would be so grateful. Geoff. Woodside. South Australia
Hi Geoff,
I have a friend in search of a Pinnock SewQueen manual – did you end up finding one at all? I’d love to be able to help her find one. If you could please email sewsupermum @ gmail dot com – that would be amazing.
Someone is selling a pinnock mst101 in NQ with manual. As this is more than a decade after your original post I assume you are all good.
If there is anyone out there with an Instruction Manual for a Pinnock ‘Sewbest’ sewing machine, would love to hear from you. Since my wife passed away 4 years ago, I now have to do so much more for myself – including sewing. Regards, David
Hi David, How did you go at getting an Instruction manual for your Pinnock machine? I have my Mother’s machine but can’t find the foot pedal and I also need instructions how to thread it. The model is 202. Maybe your instructions might do it. Hope you can help me in with it please or if you know of anyone who can. Thankyou, regards Marilyn
Hi there,
this seems to be the place for all questions Pinnock. I just picked up a Pinnock F333 made in Sunshine, Victoria by C.F.M. Industries. I also would love if anybody had a pdf copy of the instruction manual. I had no idea there were any Australian made sewing machines and I’m happy I finally bought it for $10 at the op-shop. I would have bought it straight away but I don’t need another sewing machine, so it took me a few weeks to realise I would be sad if it got sold. I’m about to have a go at threading it now. Wish me luck. If I get it working I can take photos of the steps for anyone that is interested.
Hi Maggie, how did you go with this machine – did you get it up and running? One has just come up for sale at my local opp shop in Sunshine and I’m curious about it’s heritage and value. If it sews good, great. I know this thread is a bit old but just wondering how it all went. Thanks!
I just picked up a F333 and busy cleaning. Seems impossible to find a manual, mine was sold by Simpsons in Canada.
Hi there,
I have a pinnock trendsetter sewing machine and I can’t make zig zag with it. Does this type of sewing machine doesn’t do that? I would really appreciate if someone could help me with it. Thank you
I have inherited my Nan’s Pinnock Model 404 and have only the slightest idea of how to use it. I’ve been looking for an instruction manual, but to date, can’t find one. I was wondering if anyone could help me out????
Hi Emma, I have my Mother’s Pinnock machine, model 202. I was wondering if you were able to get any info for yours? It could help me. I can’t find the foot pedal and I need instructions how to thread it. Hope you can help me please. Regards Marilyn
Hi Emma,
Have you been able to get a manual for your machine? I have a super stretch 3200 and need a manual. I think now, I would try any pinnock manual!!! Hope you can help, Linda
I have a 404 Pinnock and have instruction manual minus the front page, can’t seem to find out anything at all about age of machine or where it was made etc
Hi Marianne. Could you scan or photograph the manual? I could convert it to a pdf and make it freely available for anyone who needs it (rather than have ebay scammers charge per download).
I’m not sure what model 404 is, but all Pinnocks were made in Australia until 1966. If yours is newer it’ll either be made in Taiwan or Japan. The Japanese ones have a plastic case (which is in some ways good – they’re noticeably lighter than the others!). Post a picture of your machine and I’ll likely be able to tell you more.
Hi Marianne, I wonder if I too could have a copy of your instruction manual please? Seems these things are very thin on the ground and this posting is under a year old. Mine is an old fashioned Pinnock Pax machine and Im confident I can get it to sew. Much Appreciated.
Hi Emma, a lovely person scanned her manual. It’s downloadable at http://www.better-access.com/Pinnock_404_user_manual.pdf
Hi Mike,
Today a Pinnock Precision Built Super De Luxe found me and we are getting along fine. Is there a manual available and how old is it. It’s green and weighs as much as a Singer 99, Doesn’t zig zag except for the action of the buttonhole attachment but it does have a reverse lever. Any info on this model? I can flick you a pic?
Hi Mike, I too am looking for a manual but your link isn’t working. Can you help please? Thanks Pam
Hi, whilst looking for a manual for my Pinnock I cam across a pdf manual for a 404 – here’s the link, hope it hleps = https://docs.google.com/file/d/1cVL0kANzlcEwB7slhfu_Wq0Iw7mAg6dir3KyqOrSh30xJ5aG9bgpMHtI4TCF/edit?pli=1
Ahem, that’s mine. See a couple of comments above.
Glad to have been of help Karen
Hi. There seems to be some confusion here and elsewhere on the net about CFM Industries’ role in all this. CFM didn’t make anything, it simply shipped large numbers of sewing machines and small manual portable typewriters into Autstralia and relabelled them for distribution here, usually as Pinnocks and Craftamatics, trade names that you will see CFM registered in Australia as far back as 1964. The sewing machines and typewriters came mainly, if not exclusively, from Nakajima and Silver-Seiko (aka Silver-Reed) in Japan. You may not see “Made in Japan” on the machines, and the false impression is given in the labelling that they were by CFM. Cheers.
Hooray for chocolate! And arts and crafts of course … =D
Hi, I have a Pinnock Super Stretch 3200 sewing machine and need a manual for it. I can’t even fill the bobbin as I don’t know how or where that is done. I think I need another little part for that. Please help anyone, sure would appreciate it. Love Linda
not sure where you are but try sewing machine repair shops they may have one that they can copy for you
Hi, I have a Pinnock exclusiv 1. Probably late 90’s. Bought from op shop with manual. Works a treat except for the need to replace reverse lever spring which I am still sourcing. Threading is a little different from most other models. Can help anyone who needs assistance or a copy of pages from my manual which was printed in Germany in four languages including English.
Also would advise owners to google “gritzner”. Sewing machine made in Germany. I believe they bought the rights to use the pinnock name. My machine has the “gritzner” name on the metal plate at the rear of the machine where the model number is. Happy to help……Lesley W
Much more likely, I would think, that Currie Furniture Manufacturing had a deal to apply its registered Pinnock trademark to imported German machines. That was CFM’s usual practise. Pinnock wasn’t a big enough trade name overseas to warrant Gritzner buying rights to use the Pinnock name.
Hi Lesley.
I am SO glad I found your comment. I have just been given a Pinnock Exclusiv 1 – and searching the web for hours to find a manual. Silly me, I haven’t used a sewing machine in over 20 years went and bought material to make cushion covers but have no idea how to use the machine!!!
I guess I was a little over eager.
Any chance you could email me a scanned copy? Happy to discuss other options like sending you a self addressed postage paid envelope.
Hope to hear from you.
Hi Mandysmanna, Have you had any luck with a manual? I thought I’d struck lucky but 2 links on here, one doesn’t work at all then a lady posted another link and that is too blurred to see unfortunately. I wonder if you could email a pdf of any manual you may have, I don’t think I will be able to get the actual manual for the Pinnock Pax model that I have, but I figure anything will help. Thank You Pam
Hi Amanda,
I just got an exclusiv1 and have emailed Leslie. Did you hear back from her as I haven’t got a manual either.
Regards Roger
Hi Leslie,
I have been given an exclusiv1 machine Q2742 so was wondering whether you still had that manual. You put your post on 2012 so I might be a bit late. I have a few extras with it and haven’t a clue what they are.
Roger 0423677169
Thank you . I am trying to learn all I can about my Pinnock. Have been on line for days and now see a connection with Pfaff. If you have any suggestions about buying mechanical parts as described in my previous post, would love to hear more…….
Sorry Lesley, can’t help much more on sewing machines. CFM had arrangements with manufacturers across Europe and in Asia to import fully assembled machines and relabel them for sale in Australia. It was a way around import duties/customs taxes, restrictions etc, on foreign goods. In some cases it also enabled them to beat the East European embargos during the Cold War. The former sales manager for CFM (Mr Thomas?) now works for Toyota in Melbourne, he may be able to help you more. .He knows a lot about the Pinnock sewing machines deals. There is a separate, interesting history for Pinnock, which was originally registered in the 1930s and did make sewing machines, with state government help, in South Australia. The trademark rights lapsed and CFM bought the same trademark in about 1964. I can send you the details if I have an email address..
Hi Lesley. Have a look at http://needlebar.org/main~nb/makers/australia/pinnock/history/index.html for the history of Pinnock
Send to kirby49@bigpond.com……..know of the factory on Haydown Road Elizabeth. I now live n Qld but am a former South Aussie. Thank you soooooo much
Hello, I have this pinnock zig zag craftsman sewing machine. I bought it online and when I try to sew, the threads keeps coming off from the needle. I am actually new to sewing, I have searched online but cant find an answer. What should I do, why the threads keeps coming off from needle once I started sewing.. So upset, pls help me.Thanks
Hi Acki, Without a photo of yours threaded, it would be extremely hard to say what you’re doing wrong. I have about six or so machines currently, and they’re all Craftamatic (branded) and Pinnock, from 60s to late 70s. All of them work pretty much the same way. Craftamatics are cheaper, though, and a bit simpler. Also, describe what you do in as much detail as you can about when the thread dislodges.
Hi Mike,
I have a Sapphire Mark II, no instructions and no other real details. Purchased it on ebay for fun. I’m think I actually may be having tensioning problems as I’ve now managed to ‘sew’ a few stitches but the take up is intermittent. I think my threading is ok now … just cant work out tensioning, especially bobbin. Any help would be most welcome. Thanks.
Hi Jenny,
I found that tension problems are usually caused by the bobbin tension being out, and since you say you can’t work it out here is how I do it.
The bobbin must be inserted into the holder with the thread being brought backwards through the slot. When the thread is through the hole, you need to test the tension by holding the thread with the bobbin holder hanging down. When the tension is right, it won’t drop unless you help it. If it drops by itself you need to increase tension (the tension screw is on the bobbin holder and is obvious). If you have to flick it hard to get it to drop, it’s too tight (which it probably is, considering your problem), ad you will need to loosen the tension screw. The tension screw is very sensitive: A little turn has a big effect on the tension.
If there is any rust on your bobbin case, you might want to clean it off or get a new one.
Clean the thread path of all thread and dust (dust comes from the thread as it passes), and make sure you have the right thread path. I don’t know what your machine looks like (Google gives me nothing), but I’ll take a pic of my latest Pinnock (threadmaster from the ’50s) threaded correctly and post it on my blog.
Thanks Mike!
I’ll give it a go and see what happens. I’ve already discovered one problem – I didn’t thread the bobbin through the hole. I’m assuming you do this from underneath and come out the top – am I right? I’ll check out your blog. Thank you so much – you’ve been very helpful
Hi Jenny,
I updated my blog with instructions for the threadmaster, but all my Pinnocks are essentially the same, so unless yours is an 80s one, it should be helpful.
Hi Mike,
I’ve had a quick glance of your blog… and discovered my Pinnock is the same as the one you have posted as ‘Latest Pinnock in remarkable condition’ in your December 9th post! Mine is also in great condition … I purchased mine on ebay … 6 vintage machines for $19,95! Yep, less than $3.50 each… I figured it was worth the risk. One machine (singer worked beautifully then went ‘bang’ and started smoking – didn’t think this was a good sign); another one I’m struggling with the tension (sense a theme here?); a Cobalt is fast and fabulous (worth the money for this one) and I’m still working on the others … It’s a bit of fun for $20 and although I don’t really ‘need’ the machines I have an old school portable as my sewing room so have the space for some interesting bits and pieces. Thanks again for sharing …
Hi, I have just bought a Pinnock Sewqueen in London, UK, I would love to know how it got here especially as it is built into a large wooden cabinet! It was musty and dirty but after a clean it is now the best machine I own and I own a fair few! It does the most amazing stitching, and is very quiet, smooth and fast. The threading is straighforwards but I do not know what some of the dials are for and it has a space for cams, yet I cannot find any reference to these nor anywhere to buy them.
I’m sure this is your machine http://needlebar.org/cm~nb/displayimage.php?album=411&pos=29
My (latest) one is similar so which bits do you need to know about?
Hi Mike
Mine has a few extra dials, I am not sure what they are for! And I have had had about 25 machines in theist few years and still have 10! How can I attach or send a picture of it? Or if you can email me off site perhaps? Cheekyhandmades@gmail.com
Hi I have a pinnock sewqueen that was brought from a shop in great Britain in the sixtys it was my mothers, I also have the instruction book so if I can help you with anything just ask. I can not find anything about cams or a space for them. My daughter lifted it of the table last week and caught the thread take up spring in her jumper and broke it, if anyone knows where I might get a replacement please let me know I have altered one from another machine but its not ideal
Hi Woofy,
Do you mean the spring on the top tensioner? If so, I have a couple of later “Pinnocks” that were made in Taiwan that don’t really work. Can you take a picture of the mechanism that’s broken? It’s probably not going to be hard to find a replacement part but postage might be an issue for you. Are you still in GB or somewhere else? You didn’t mention where you are.
Replied by email. Needlebar is no more, incidentally
Hi Mike
The part is called a check spring I have a picture of it not sure how to up load it. I am in GB
Just Googled and found someone in the UK who has some new ones: http://www.helenhowes-sewingmachines.co.uk/tensions.html
Are any of these the same as yours?
Hi Mike I have already been in touch with Helen but she hasn’t got one and doesn’t know where I might get one, these are the springs I mean but mine has a long piece of wire at the end I have one with a short end and it catches the thread so winds round the loop again.
hi amanda. glad to be able to help. a self addressed envelope would be great as I am copying the book for you now. I am at 23 Summer Way, Tin Can Bay 4580 .Queensland Australia
Thanks Lesley. I will get it to you ASAP… Hopefully this week. I am in Brisbane, so at least it shouldn’t take too long. Thanks again!
Hi we have a pinnock craftamatic model?
No. Zk910 we are looking to fix it up then send it too a mission that is needing machines. But we can’t work out how the dam thing functions!
Any help would be awesome. I have seen a lot of old machines but Theo’s one is out of my leuge. Thanks
Hi Katie, I have a craftamatic and didn’t have any trouble with it. Maybe yours is a bit different. Do you have a picture of it? If you live nearby I can come have a look.
Hello all, does anyone have a manual for a cream colour Pinnock Craftmatic Model HZ-140 please? I am happy to cover any costs to obtain it. Thanks so much. Mich
I’ve never seen a manual for one, nor have I needed one: They’re very similar to late ’60s Singers and quite easy to use. They take Singer feet, accessories and needles, too.
That said, they must have come with manuals, so it’s ridiculous that they’re all missing. I’ve had three craftamatics, all missing the manuals!
I have my mother in laws Pinnock Trendsetter Royal machine with the manual. The machine hadn’t been used for 14 years. Used it today and it went like a dream. However I am unable to get the needle in the middle position, it is on the left. Does anyone have any idea how I can get it in the middle. Can email the manual to anyone who is looking for the manual to this model.
Hi Shirley, Can you email the manual to me please. manicmike66 at gmail.com
The needle position problem is likely to be dried up oil. You should be able to find out what’s wrong by opening the top cover and looking inside. Sewing machine oil is usually enough to loosen it off, but you should be able to see what’s gumming it up first.
Thanks for your reply Mike. If I don’t find one, I will try and get hold of a Singer manual. I’m very keen to know what the Craftmatic is capable of doing. Cheers, Mich
Singer manuals are easy. Most are available online, ismacs.net has quite a few and singerco.com has a heap (but you need a model number).
Hi Mike, You seem to be one of the very few GoTo people re Pinnock machines. I am trying to sell my mother’s Pinnock SWA-2000 on her behalf but like every-one else, find that the manual and any info is extremely elusive. Any info you able to furnish on this machine would really be very much appreciated. This machine is in a sewing table that allows the machine to fold down and away for storage. Can’t figure out quickly how to attach pics. Can send them to you if you email me. Many thanks in anticipation.
Hi Dennis,
It sounds kind of recent. Aussie made Pinnocks had names rather than numbers. Brother bought the name during the ’70s and badged certain models until the ’80s. Yours is likely to be one of these.
If you think it looks “modern” I’d suggest looking at a Brother manual.
I only have the older ones (a ’50s deluxe and one of the last ’60s models).
The Brother ones (I confess I do have one of these but it’s broken) have vertical bobbins.
Not sure if this will help anyone, but just in case!
Many thanks for remembering my quest. I was unable to sell the sewing machine so I gave it to St Vinnies. As I do not have it anymore, I have no need for any further assistance in this regard. Again, many thanks for your diligence and interest.
Oo many thanks Aine, just the sort of help I needed.
Thanks, will have a look. I did oil it but didn’t look too close. Will email you the manual.
Shirley, it also crossed my mind that you may be living in Melbourne, too, seeing as a lot of Pinnocks are here. If so, I can have a look at your machine and tell you what’s wrong with it.
HI Mike seems as you know quite a bit about Pinnocks. i was given a pinnock as a family heirloom the machine is near on brand new and seems to work great so far, im trying to find a manual for it.. i live in country vic in australia. it has on the back panel
C.F.M industries PTY limited
model 934 APPR./ No V 753000
sunshine Victoria
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated as i seem to hit a brick wall everywhere i go.
Cheers Mel
Hi Mel, I don’t know that much about them. The one you have is a Taiwanese machine imported by CFM industries in the late ’60s or ’70s. It should also say “Craftamatic” under the Pinnock badge.
They’re roughly the same as the early ’60s Aussie Pinnocks (CFM bought the Pinnock name after the factory closed down in 1966 and imported machines from Taiwan under the Pinnock name) so you might just as well DL the Aussie Pinnock manual closest to your machine. Genuine manuals for these cheaper machines are very rare. I’ve never seen one in person but have seen a couple on eBay with their manuals.
Thanks for the offer, but I am in Newcastle. Found the problem this morning, had the zig zag foot on. When I put the straight stitching foot on it was in the middle.
clever girl Shirley, you sorted it out, Happy New Year from the Lake!
I live in Norwich, England.
My mother died recently and I have her Pinnock Sewbest machine to pass on to someone who will value it. It was bought in Norwich on 22 February 1965 and has serial number D54064. Free to a good home if anyone knows someone who would like it over here but its too heavy to send to Oz!
It is in amazing condition and has the original instruction book too.
I can be contacted at doublekite@sky.com.
Hi, I am buying a Pinnock Super Stitch 3200, i am in Maitland/Newcastle area of NSW and have no idea where parts are available for it or if there are any interchangeable parts from a newer machine? If any knows anything or any shop it would be greatly appreciated.
I may have a contact @ Kotara for you for parts If you email me I can tell you more mariannekidd@hotmail.com
Hi, I have a Pinnock Pax machine and its all metal, with a wooden base complete with carry case, so I know its a very old model perhaps from the 50s. Its too good to scrap (my brother is a metal scrap man) you wouldn’t believe some of the machines being scrapped. I would love a manual to help me figure it out. Also the motor runs but machine doesn’t move and I have no idea how to use any machine. I wish my brother hadn’t scrapped the old singer machine that was so nice. I really want to learn how to sew but there doesn’t seem to be classes for beginners in evening colleges. Id be grateful for any help/tips. Much Appreciated. Pam
Pam, is your machine the one at http://www.needlebar.org/cm/displayimage.php?album=411&pid=4056#top_display_media It is from the ’60s
Pinnocks are very similar, so a manual for any Pinnock machine would probably do for 90% of it. The 404 manual is probably close to what you want. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cVL0kANzlcEwB7slhfu_Wq0Iw7mAg6dir3KyqOrSh30xJ5aG9bgpMHtI4TCF/edit?usp=sharing
Hi Mike, Thank You for replying so quick. Its a 230 machine I’ve took a few quick photos of the Pinnock as well as the Belair one, they look great but are very heavy and if I can make them sew, well that will be great.
Pam, you have written and said the better access link doesn’t work for the 404. I know, which is why I’ve twice given a new link (see above). Pinnocks are very much like Singers so it should be very easy to get it working.
Hi Mike, Ive looked at the photos on the first link and there is a one similar to mine, the 2nd link above shows a great photo nice and clear of the machine, but from 2nd frame onwards the manual is too blurred to see or make out any words, I’ve tried the edit icon several times to no avail. Thanks anyway. Pam
I just tried the link to the manual and it was quite clear, but you’re probably right: It’s best to give up at this point. I got the manual from Marianne.
My Pinnock Precision Built Super De Luxe picked up for $30 just needed a bit o TLC and it positively sings, such a great machine, sometimes these old ones just need a clean and an oil.
I hope you are not slinging off at me Mike,
did it lose quality when you reduced the file, do you think?
I’m beginning to think I know even less about computers than sewing machines! Never mind god loves a trier…………..hehehe
As if, Marianne! I was giving you credit for having a manual at all.
It would have lost a little but I did check it and it’s quite legible. Actually I checked the original pictures and the pdf is no worse, so maybe it *was* your fault, Marianne
Hi Mike, I sent Pam a copy, by email, it may have ben the one you rejigged and sent to me and she said that was clearer. It was the 1.67 MB PDF not the 4.40MB PDF.
Hello Marianne,
Would there be any chance to snavel a copy of the manual too?
I have both a Pinnock Trendsetter Ensign and a Trendsetter Jewel.
No manuals for either and I am stumped with both of them lol
can u email me Brooke and I can send on
Thank you very much for emailing me the copy. Its as clear as day.
Pleased to please, I hope it demystifies!
Thank you to Marianne and Mike for all your help. ((xx)) I’m going to have a go this weekend.
Hi, I have a Pinnock Sewgem (basic lever for forward/reverse) and a Pinnock Sewcrest (zig-zag and buttonhole feature – R button for reverse). Both the usual green. I have no manuals for either, but I can usually work out how to thread all types of machines so it wasn’t a problem. I also clean and service my own machines. Both of these machines accept attachments made for old Singer machines. For example, I’m using extras from my 66k and they work perfectly. The engineering for most earlier models of sewing machine (hand crank or with an external universal motor) is pretty much identical. If anyone’s having any trouble with either of these, regarding bunched up stitching, threading problems or general questions…just ask. Glad to see so many still enjoying their Pinnocks. I love mine.
Wondering if someone can advise me. I have a Pinnock Exclusiv Plus made in West Germany that was given to me. I am having trouble finding the correct needle. I have tried using Schmetz universal 130/705 H. This catches the bottom thread, the stitch bunches up and stalls the needle. I think these needles are too big. I would really appreciate some advice.
Hi there Maureen. I use the same needles or Klasse ones without any problems. The problem may be due to something else. Have you had the machine serviced?
Hi thornberry. Thanks for your reply. Yes I have had the machine serviced. It had been sewing very well until I put a new needle in. I had a blue needle in which is smaller than the universal needle…. not sure? Could you tell me what Klasse needles are and are they easy to buy?
Klasse are just another brand of needle – I buy them online through Sew Much Easier (they are on eBay and have a web page). Maybe have a look at the Schmetz website and see if you can get any needle information from them? Is there a possibility that the new needle hasn’t been inserted correctly?
Thanks for that. I have a look at those websites and check the needle.
My grandmother surprised me with a pinnock model 414 sewing machine. I can’t find anything about the 414 only the 404. I downloaded the 404 manual and it all seems the same except how to thread the bobbin isn’t mentioned. Mine is fed from under the base. Thank you for any help available.
What do you mean? The 404 manual doesn’t tell you how to thread the bobbin or the 414 is nothing like the 404? Pinnocks all have a vertical bobbin from memory, and that means bobbin cases (which all work the same way): Thread goes back through the slot and is pulled until it comes out the hole. You hold it all up by the thread and it should almost but not quite hold still (it starts to unwind slowly when you jerk it slightly). This is shown clearly in any generic manual or page 8 of the 404 manual https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cVL0kANzlcEwB7slhfu_Wq0Iw7mAg6dir3KyqOrSh30xJ5aG9bgpMHtI4TCF
New to this…I’ll print the manual out and have a look…..do you know what year the 414 is?
Probably around 1964 but if you have the manual it’ll probably be printed inside.
Hello – I have a Pinnock Sew Best machine and desperately need the manual. How would I go about tracking one down? Thanks.
Dear Contributors,
Oh for a comprehensive Pinnock sewing machine manual. I can’t help there, but I do have a little history available.
The Pinnock Sewing Machine Co. was founded by my grandfather, John Alfred Pinnock, well before World War 1, and initially operated out of the Queen Victoria Markets building – now the restored Queen Victoria Building.
Subsequently, I think in the 1920s, the business moved to a building down the road in Druitt St, which my grandfather had purchased.
On my grandfather’s death in 1942 the business was taken over by his second son, Clarence Tunbridge Pinnock. The eldest son, William Arthur Pinnock, had been killed in action at Mouquet Farm (Pozieres) in August 1916.
After World War 2, production of Pinnock sewing machines was sited at the Lithgow Small Arms Factory and there is an example of a machine in the museum that now occupies this site.
On Clarrie’s death in the early 1950s the business was taken over by his son, William Pinnock, named after his dead uncle.
With financial incentives from the South Australian government, William then moved the business to a new factory in the newly established city of Elizabeth
Hi John. Great to hear from a member of the famous family! It’s still a very well respected name in sewing machines, but now only vintage of course. I’ve had several Aussie made Pinnock machines and I loved them all. Is William Jr still around? There’s an interview with him on needlebar which I’m sure you would have seen from 1998. If you know any more than the scant information available in the Internet it would be very much appreciated? Did your family stay in Adelaide after the factory closure (1966?)
BTW are you the person to ask if it’s OK to reproduce manuals? And would you have access to records of serial numbers for machine dating? Bet you’re sorry you posted now
Thank you so much John. At last some history of this company! Do you happen to know when Currie Furniture Manufacturing (CFM) got the trademark? Appears to be early 1960s. Perhaps earlier? A descendant of the Currie family has contacted me through my typewriter blog about the items CFM imported from Japan and relabelled here as Pinnocks.
I absolutely love my Pinnocks, a proud owner of a ’52, ’56 and a ’64, all three go remarkably well and so smooth too, with nary a sound as they run.
I have manuals for all of them, should anyone need one
Do you please have a Pinnock Sewmatic manual? if you do please could I have a copy via email millsna@yahoo.co.uk
I also wonder if you could help with a problem with threading
Sorry Milly, ‘Sewmaster’, ‘Trendsetter’ and ‘404’ but not ‘Sewmatic’ I will send Sewmaster and Trendsetter in case they have similar threading
Hi Marianne,
I’d love a copy of the Sewmaster manual of it still exists?
Xaiyas@Gmail .com
Thank you!!
Oh could I have a copy of the Trendsetter please Marianne. I recently picked up a Trendsetter Sapphire and got it serviced but don’t have a manual
beethee@hotmail.com Thank you!
Hi Marianne, Would you be so kind ans send me a copy of sewmaster manual please, Kind Regards mark
I hope this helps regards Marianne
Can you send one to me??? I’m having trouble with my tensions!!
Can you send me one as well??!!
I have been given a Pinnok Overlocker Model 380/480 V910076/3 and need a manual, any chance of assistance??
When you purchase Stylearc patterns, do you go by the full bust measurement or the high bust measurement? Thank you. Mary in AZ
Hi Mary – I think I go by full bust measurement. I’m roughly an Australian size 12 in the shops here, so figured that since Style Arc are Australian their size 12 would be close to the mark too. They have pdf patterns now, and I think sell them with three sizes in a grouping – that might be a good way to try how the sizing works for you!
I am looking for a manual for a Pinnock I Overlocker. Could someone please help.
I have just inherited a Pinnock Trendsetter Royal sewing machine. Does anyone have an instruction manual they can email or send me?
Hi Debbie what is your email so I can send one to you
hi Marianne,
my email is debbiedogao@hotmail.com
thanks debbie
Thank you Marianne I printed it from Mike’s drive below
Debbie. It’s available to anyone from my Google Drive: http://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzYIf_ewK9AfOV9RZWt2TEtrQ0U
Thanks Mike, very useful. I’m selling one given to my mum.
Hi Everyone,
Great to read your posts.
I am a sewing novice. Trying to locate a manual or some instructions for a Pinnock Craftmatic model no.7 – 573.
Any assistance or advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hi , I have a pinnock Concorde . Would anyone have a manual for it please . Liz xo
Does anyone have a manual for a Pinnock Trendsetter Crescent? Any assistance would be much appreciated!
I am looking for a manual for Pinnock Universal [cost me $8.00!!!!] david@davidturnbull.net
Congratulations! You have been nominated for The Refreshingly Gifted Blogger Award. Please kindly visit the link for more details: http://prestigeandpower.com/2015/10/09/congratulations/
I am looking for a manual for a Pinnock 900 machine – it was my Grandmother’s and the manual has gone missing. Any help will be much appreciated!
I didn’t realise Pinnock had a such a sewing machine history in Australia. Just a couple of hours ago, I became the owner of a ‘New Century’ sewing machine. ‘New Century’ was a brand name of a once-great department store in Sydney Marcus Clarke’s. My ‘New Century’ sewing machine is a re-badged Pinnock and was made at the Lithgow Small Arms factory between 1949 and 1954 when 6000 were made. In 1957 Pinnock opened their South Australia factory. The Lithgow Small Arms factory produced many of the weapons used by the Australian Armed Forces in WWII.
I haven’t taken a picture of mine yet but it’s the same as the one in the link above but black with no decals and ‘New Century’ as the brand name. On first looks I would say it’s very close to a clone of the Singer 99K.
when you go to the small arms factory there is ‘head’ that is perfectly plain, I like the one with the more elaborate decals as pictured, I found one in a second hand/antique shop that I gave to my friend Ron it is not as fancy but not plain, just a bit of decaling …when I figure out how to post the picture I will.
I have a pinnock trendsetter sewing machine what I bought in 53years ago it still works and I still got the manual that goes with it ,I remember reading on here a lady moved house in Australia and found one been left in the house ,and the pinnock museum took off her ,I wonder how much it is worth ,I live in uk and in 1963 I paid £46 in uk money
Here is some history of the Pinnock and the factory
Hi Julie
maybe my info can build on yours…just working out how to post it. I will get there…
‘Padagarang’ 1952 Pinnock purchased at Kew from Tragic Treasures $120 sent of to Bill to check electricals. Born at the Small Arms Factory at Lithgow.
During 1952 it was found necessary by Factory Management to survey the project and identify the many areas of concern.
A more efficient system of quality control was introduced along with fixtures to aid assembly. A better system of masking prior to painting was deemed necessary to reduce time in this area. Initially, Mr Pinnock or his representative decided whether a machine was acceptable or not.
Factory Management considered this to be unsatisfactory as it was felt that this could be used as a means of compelling a reduced output if the machines became increasingly difficult to sell. Sew Testing New Machines.
Mr Pinnock is standing in the background to the left wearing a hat
Mr Pinnock was responsible for supplying packing boxes, and regulated the supply of these to correspond with his sales. It was thought that he would not take deliveries of machines unless he held orders from his distributors.
Steps were taken by Factory Management to ensure a reserve supply of boxes was on hand at all times. Mr Pinnock was also responsible for the supply of transfers. This was also an area where machines were held up at the Factory.
These sewing machines were marketed under eight different names and sold by twelve different retailers: It is thought that the machine was an Australia design and was known as the Model A with the A depicting made in Australia:
Pinnock, Hallmark, New Century, Dobbie, Gladiola, Mercury, Kennedy, Thomson.
(One of the retailers also handled an unmarked machine) The machines came in treadle models, portable models, and electric cabinets, as well as ‘electric portables. Prices ranged from 58 pounds 10 shillings to 82 pounds ten shillings, an Australian pound was worth two Australian dollars.
I have images but cant for the life of me work out how to post them
Hi here is some Pinnock data from my own database cant work out how to post images. regards Marianne Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2016 02:21:52 +0000 To: mariannekidd@hotmail.com
Marianne, just upload them to your Google drive and post a link to them. PM me if you need help. x
I have a Pinnock which requires pattern cams (I think) in the round lift-flap section at the top. Anyone know WHICH cams fit these machines? And what stitches I might expect?
Many thanks
there are many, many different models and they don’t all take the same cam set. You would have to provide the model number or a photo of your machine for anyone to know what you actually need.
I have just been given a pinnok FA-850 has anyone got information about this machine as it doesn,t have instructions. Thanks
I have a Super stretch Pinnock Model No 9400 CFM Industries, Sunshine Made in Japan. It needs a new lug belt approx. 550-650 cm. Have searched the net but can’t find one. If anyone has any suggestions that would be helpful.
whoops, post should be ok now
I am a newby at this sewing game. I bought a second hand pinnock trendsetter sapphire machine and was shown how to thread and adjust tension when I bought it. Now I can’t for the life of me remember how to.
Everything I try doesn’t seem to work.
I would love to have a look at a manual or something i f anyone has any information.
Thanks in advance,
These were designed and made by Toyota (assembled in Elizabeth, SA) and they’re extremely easy to thread and use.
Thread goes left to right and the flat of the needle is on the right. They take normal domestic needles and type 15 bobbins (the wide metal ones with the holes) and use common low shank feet. I scanned the threading diagram from an almost identical machine (Trendsetter Royal) and uploaded it to be shared from my Google drive https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzYIf_ewK9AfVFI4cnI0TmVhb00
Hi All,
It’s been a while since the last post, I’m just trying to see if anyone has a manual for a Pinnock Craftmatic ZigZag Deluxe ZK 141, I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Hey guys, just got a Pinnock majestic and I’m looking for a manual! thank you!
Hi, I have just picked up trendsetter jewel and would love a copy of a manual of you have one. Also any idea what type of bobbin does it take? any info would be supremely helpful
Hi I have been given a Pinnock Craftmatic sewing machine and unfortunately the foot control is broken. Can anyone tell me if and where I can get a replacement? It is such a good machine I would love to use
I have them Marcella. Contact me through my blog tailororfailure.blogspot.com
Hi Mike,
I am trying to contact you through your blog but am having no luck. Are you able to send me your email address or contact details?
Can’t seem to delete the last message. Contact me through https://mikewilliamswebsites.com.au/contact.html
Okay sorry Marcella. Contact me through https://mikewilliamswebsites.com.au/contact.html Don’t want to publish my email address – I already get enough spam
Hi I have a Pinnock Trendsetter and cannot work out how to thread correctly or tension. Any advice or manual greatly appreciated
Here’s a manual for a Pinnock Sewmatic – hope it helps someone!
Thankyou for this blogg and the ability to share info on this beautiful machine. i have started a Pinnock website to share information on my own Pinnock collection and to share any instruction books that I can get my hands on, so others who own these machines can get them up and running again. http://www.eyemaozi.org
Cheers Patricia
I have been trying to ‘follow’ you on Instagram but it doesn’t seem to want to let me! Is there something I should be doing – apart from just clicking ‘follow’??
For those still wanting manuals and those who have recently needed a manual, the most extensive collection of manuals I have found are in FB ” Vintage Sewing Machines Australia and New Zealand ” in their files section.
If you have ones not listed there for Pinnock or Craftmatic, we all welcome you to post them there for all to share.
There is a fb group with many PDF manuals for Pinnocks.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/659877447448317 has some too, including other badged machines by the same manufacturers.
Hi Anthea – do you have the Trendsetter Sapphire manual I’m trying to work out the bits and pieces of my late M-I-L’s amazing Pinnock. Thanks, Susan