medallion quilt-a-long, patchwork, quilting

medallion quiltalong – round 3: applique

Round 3 for the medallion quiltalong was applique.  Applique is not usually my scene.  It involves detailed design work and precision, not just sewing  bits of fabric together according to another clever person’s pattern.  So I decided on simple, large, bold, raw edge applique.  Except I’ve only fused it in place and haven’t appliqued it yet.  That will take my mother’s fancy schmancy sewing machine during the January holidays.

Medallion Quiltalong - three rounds done

Birds! As you can see, this quilt is getting big. Fast. Those eight inch blocks will do that. Anyway, the applique round was for November, so I am up to date. Sort of – the December theme is circles. And I don’t have enough fabric left to do them justice, so I’m going to sit out December. But I’m loving how this is coming along!

Round 3 applique in progress