Month: March 2008

adult's clothing, sewing

Wrap Skirt

I got to spend the entire afternoon sewing today – no interruptions!  I booked into the Wrap Skirt workshop run by Kimono House absolutely ages ago.  It was incredibly difficult to choose which feature fabric to use, but I am really glad that I went with my initial thought.

The skirt is designed by Alison Pyle, and she runs the workshop for Leanne from Kimono House.  It’s a flattering, easy to wear style, and the wrap comes far enough across to minimise accidental exposure.

The fabrics are all from Japan and are 100% cotton.  I will have to go back when I have some more time and check them out further!

I caught the train into the city.  It was great to have some time on my own without little people to worry about!  The people watching was lots of fun, and the views across Melbourne from the Nicholas building where the workshop was held were superb.  The city changes so quickly.

I’m really happy with the finished skirt (although it could do with an iron).  I plan on making this a few more times – I think it would be great in a wool for winter.  It also looks terrific with the yoke done in a contrasting fabric.  All in all it was a very successful afternoon out (and the kids coped fine without me, although Stella was quite eager for a drink when I got home)!

this is ...

This is … the contents of my handbag

I’m getting in early with this week’s “this is …” – and it’s the contents of my handbag!

Yes, I know, it’s such a mum’s handbag, isn’t it! 

Across the front of the photo: mobile phone; purse; keys; lipstick in case; sunglasses case; diary/address book; zip pouch with medicines, bandaids, pocketknife, tampons & other handy stuff; arrowroot biscuits; rusks; apple; jar of baby food; baby spoon; toy mobile phone for Stella; cloth book; tissues; spare bag for shopping.

Okay, take a deep breath, and the back row has: Clare’s watch that needs a new battery; cloth nappy, cover, wetbag, dry facewasher; bib, damp facewasher, burp cloth; change mat; disposable nappy, plastic bag for dirties and baby wipes.

Oh boy.  That is a lot of stuff.  And it’s all usually in there. Sometimes with more stuff.  Jeepers.

fabric stash, planned projects, sewing


I really, really love Amy Butler’s Nigella range of fabrics.  So when I was lucky enough to become a test sewer for one of Craft Apple’s new patterns, I knew exactly what fabrics I wanted to use!  The parcel arrived today.

Now I need to decide which of these will be best.  I need to choose two – it’s a difficult decision!

The pattern I’m test sewing is a car organiser.  The remaining fabrics will be used to make gifts for some of the myriad 40th birthday celebrations that are happening for our family & friends this year. 

craft, crochet

12″ block crochetalong – March

The March crochetalong block is the Cygnus square.  I’ve continued using Bendigo Woollen Mills 8 ply cotton, with a 4.5 mm hook.  In blue (Maritime):

and in lime (please try to ignore the shadow of the dodgy photographer):

But let’s not forget the multicoloured acrylic (or maybe we should):

My squares are all working out to be 9 inches square, not 12 inches – I should probably change the name of the crochetalong on my blog!

Mum has finished knitting my Ixchel angora/merino socks.  She thought that they smelled like rabbits.  Not surprising!

Yes, we know that the stripes don’t match across each sock – but they’re so comfy and warm!  Clare is also enamoured with the socks Grandma knitted for her (I think that the yarn is Opal).

bags, craft, sewing

Twin backpacks

My bridesmaid’s daughters have just turned fourteen.  That went quickly!  I am a little behind with their birthday presents, but managed to finish them off today.  Both are the Simple Drawstring Backpack from Lotta Jansdotter’s book Simple Sewing.  The fabric is from Ikea.

Teenagers are really hard to sew for!  And when they’re twins, it makes it twice as hard for me.  Hopefully they’ll meet approval.  Happy Birthday Caitlin & Larisa!

craft, crochet

Crocus scarf

I needed a good “car crochet” project to do while travelling up to my aunt’s and uncle’s farm.  This was it – the Crocus Scarf.

The pattern is a freebie from Interweave Crochet (you can find it on their website), and the yarn is Cleckheaton Bamboo, in the pink print colourway.

Okay, an orange top probably wasn’t the best colour to highlight the loveliness of the scarf, but at least you get an idea of scale when it is being worn!

This was a nice quick project – I actually finished it the same evening.  I’ve also seen it made with an extra repeat of the lacy pattern, making it wider (quiltingmick has crocheted a couple of beautiful versions).  I used one of my nice new Clover hooks to crochet it – it was really lovely to use, well worth the purchase.  The yarn drapes beautifully – bamboo is so nice to work with!  I’ve got enough left for another scarf, or maybe I’ll use it to make something for Stella.

this is ...

This is … my demon

As always, “this is” has required some thought and decision making!  There are many things that I could choose, but possibly this is my biggest demon:

Chocolate chip biscuits.  Really, the chocolate part of them most of all (I didn’t have any uneaten chocolate in the house to photograph, which wasn’t surprising).  Chocolate really is my demon.  Nothing wrong with a few biscuits or a bit of chocolate, you might say?  My problem is that I have no self-control where chocolate is concerned.  And I have rheumatoid arthritis (in remission, thankfully) which is aggravated by chocolate, among other foods.  So why can’t I stop eating it?

craft, sewing

Placemats and coasters

These placemats and coasters are a host gift for my aunt and uncle, who happily entertain us at their farm over Easter every year.

The fabrics are from the Blossom range by Urban Chiks for Moda.  Each placemat and coaster has a layer of fusible wadding inside.  The placemats are based on the ones in Amy Butler’s book In Stitches, and the coasters based on the ones in Last Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson.  These placemats are much smaller than the Amy Butler ones (size was dictated by how much fabric I had) but are still plenty large enough at 46cm x 29 cm (18″ x 11.5″). 

I did a little machine quilting around the circles and along the seamlines, and topstitched around the outside.  The reverse side is a contrast colourway from the same fabric line.

The coasters were very quick and simple to make – just lots of going around and around to get the geometric quilting pattern done.  Whoops, no separate photo of the coasters!  We’ll have to look at Miss Stella with the set instead.  She enjoyed playing with the coasters.  Have I mentioned that she can now stand on her own?  Yikes!

Have a lovely Easter everyone!

children's clothing, kids clothing, patterns, sewing, vintage patterns

Vintage pattern generosity

It was such a lovely surprise to receive another package in the mail from generous Floss of Another Day in Paradise.  This one contained this gorgeous vintage fabric, lace collar and buttons.  These colours will really suit Stella’s colouring.

And these stunning vintage patterns for Miss Stella as well!

Oh, look at that lovely Paragon pattern – I think it is the oldest pattern I have!  So sweet!  And the illustrations on the Butterick one are gorgeous.  But that’s not all!

All just perfect for little girls!  The Simplicity 8430 pattern was included for Miss Clare so she wouldn’t feel left out.  Floss, you think of everything!  Thank you so, so much.  I can’t wait to make a start on these patterns.

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