wardrobe refashion

children's clothing, embroidery, kids clothing, refashioning, sewing, wardrobe refashion

Refashioned – pants into skirt

Remember this pair of pants?

Embroidered by me, worn by me quite a few times about ten years ago.  Not at all in style or my style anymore, but I couldn’t bear to get rid of them.  So finally – they’re a skirt!

I cut both legs off, cut them in half vertically, squared them up, then sewed them together to form a skirt with an elasticised casing waist.

So much better on Clare than on me!  And the left over “shorts” have now become running shorts for my husband (since they’re not worn for very long and he’s not too embarassed to wear bright turquoise shorts in public – what a tolerant man)!

children's clothing, craft, kids clothing, sewing, wardrobe refashion


I stumbled across this post while wandering through the blogosphere – and inspiration struck!  Thirty minutes, a headband and an old curtain later, we had this:

Who’s a happy girl?  She’s been asking for a veil for ages – and since there was plenty of curtain left, I thought that a matching skirt wouldn’t go astray.  But is she a little young for bridal indoctrination?

adult's clothing, refashioning, sewing, wardrobe refashion

Dress refashioning

Freya recently bought this dress, but didn’t completely like it on her (this isn’t her in the photo, by the way – the photo is courtesy of the retailer she bought it from).

She felt a little too much like the second wife from “Big Love” in it.  So I took it home and took out the sleeves.  What do you think?

After unpicking the sleeves, I used bias binding to face the armhole, which I then turned to the inside and hand-stitched to the lining.  A professional result, I think!

Our theory is that if she doesn’t like it as a sleeveless dress, I can turn it into a skirt.  If that doesn’t work out, it may become a bag.