children's clothing, kids clothing

Mendocino top and skirt

Oh YES, the sewing mojo has returned!  I’ve spent a few hours at the sewing machine sewing clothes for Clare, something I do love doing.  I borrowed Anna Maria Horner’s book “Seams to me” from a friend at work, and instantly knew that I needed to make the Bo Peep Skirt.  So I burrowed into the stash and pulled out some Heather Ross Mendocino fabric, originally destined to be part of a quilt.  A couple of hours later, I had made this:

Mendocino skirt - Bo Peep pattern by you.

But you know what, I still had a little fabric left over.  So I rummaged through the pattern stash, and pulled out this:

Simplicity 9530 - vintage, 1980 by you.

A vintage dress pattern (thanks Pauline!) that I knew I could easily adapt to a top.  So before too long, I had this:

Mendocino top - from Simplicity 9530 by you.

And the next day, we had this:

Mendocino skirt and top C by you.

and this:

Mendocino skirt and top B by you.

and this:

Mendocino skirt and top A by you.

all just in time for our trip to Cairns next week!