crochet, patchwork, planned projects

Berry Beret

Time for another crochet quick fix.  A beret for my friend Rachael, who always wears a hat in winter.  Why hadn’t I thought to crochet her one (or two) before?

Berry Beret by you.

The pattern is Raspberry Beret, from Crochet Today! Sept/Oct 2009.  I used Lincraft’s Cosy Wool, with a 6.00mm hook (I think? could have been 5.5mm).  It took less than one ball of yarn, and was completed in two or three evenings.

Berry Beret by you.

See, it is a beret, not a doily!  It would have been more effective to photograph it on a head.

Next on the list?  The September pattern and fabrics have arrived for the Sue Ross Block of the Month.

Sue Ross BOM - September 2009 by you.

No curves this time, but intricate nonetheless!  Last month’s block isn’t far from complete – it just needs the centre needleturn appliqued on and then the circle needleturn appliqued onto the background.  Fingers crossed it will flatten out – it’s fairly wavy at the moment.  I’ve also got the August Hip to Hook package waiting for me.

Hip to Hook August 09 by you.

So once again, there is way too much on my to-do list.  I have a wonky house block to make for Around The Block, my Mod Sampler quilt top to finish piecing, my Quilt Project submission to complete, and way too many other things.

But now I’ll keep sipping my gin and tonic while I decide if I’m going to read my book group book or crochet a hat this evening.  And ignore the ironing pile.