
Washcloths – or dishcloths? That’s up to you!

Crocheted washcloths.  These are something that I crochet every few years when I’m looking for a project that is straightforward and achievable.  Perfect pandemic crochet, in many ways!  I have found my concentration lacking over the past few months, and washcloths can be crocheted in an evening while watching television.  Or during a morning coffee Zoom call with friends!

Crocheted washcloths

I used leftover cotton/acrylic from my stash to crochet these three washcloths. You can pretty much use whatever yarn you have available. It needs to be fairly sturdy, so keep that in mind. Cotton is good, linen, hemp, acrylic, things like that. And of course these washcloths can be used to wash whatever you like – they can be used in the kitchen as dishcloths or in the bathroom/shower. My girls really like handmade washcloths – they use knitted ones made by Grandma quite regularly. They’re also a great gift with a handmade soap. Personally I buy the handmade soaps, but you may be more competent than me in that area and be able to make soap yourself too!

Crocheted washcloths

Pattern wise, my go to is Ravelry. There are SO many knitted and crocheted washcloth/dishcloth patterns on there, and the vast majority are free. Alternatively, just google! I look for a textured stitch pattern; I prefer that to colourwork etc. These three are the Textured Dishcloth by Kara Gunza, Sun Rays Washcloth by Amal Saleh, and Spread the Dishcloth Joy by Catherine Richardson. I use these patterns as a base, and alter them a little to add a border or edgings or change the size etc depending on the amount of yarn that I have available and my mood. Crocheted washcloths are also a great way to test out new stitch patterns – you can just select from a stitch dictionary. This is a project that allows significant freedom, and still ends up with a useable product.

Crocheted washcloths

Another fairly instant gratification project that I’m working on at the moment is a set of crocheted placemats, in Bendigo Woollen Mills Cotton 8ply. I can do one in an evening – but of course, it’s a set, so there is more than one to do! I had better get back to that soon…