adult's clothing, sewing

Presto Popover Top

This is a time full of dissonance, isn’t it?  Conflict between thoughts, opinions and behaviours, and a general lack of harmony between the what we can see in our immediate worlds and what is happening in the broader world.  Distress over individual and community circumstances, alongside the opportunity to count our blessings.  I went for a walk yesterday evening and the sunset was beautiful, families were out walking, there were dogs aplenty having more exercise than they’ve ever had.  Yet at the same time, there’s a sense of foreboding and overlying tension, because we all know what is going on in the world with covid-19.  How do we reconcile these things?  How do we maintain our sense of balance, of perspective, of appreciation, of reality, of sadness, of concern, while we go about our changed daily lives?  Some people will go to places of anger and blame, others to depression and sadness, others will sustain their positivity, and others will employ the ostrich technique in order to simply get through their day.  I have read a few memes during this time that I have found helpful.  One simply said ‘After all this is over, all that will really matter is how we treated each other’.

Naughty Bobbin Presto Pullover top

My first go at the Presto Popover Top, by Naughty Bobbin Patterns, wasn’t completely successful. Part of the issue was my fabric choice, but another part of it was that I really needed a high rounded back alteration. After seeing Marjorie’s great fit on Instagram, with the alteration, I contacted Coco at Naughty Bobbin Patterns who provided me with instructions on how to do the same.

Naughty Bobbin Presto Pullover top

The fit this time around is so much better than it was the first time! This is a very simple pattern in term of the number of pieces and the construction, so I am very pleased that I’ll now be able to add it to my TNT collection.

Naughty Bobbin Presto Pullover top

The front is cut twice, so is self lined, and the height of the centre front neckline depends on how far up you sew the two fronts together before flipping them. In these photos you can tell that I should have sewn them up a little bit higher. On my body proportions the neckline has a fold line which vanishes if I pin it an inch higher. That’s probably partly caused by my lower left shoulder – like many people who are right handed and use a computer and mouse for a significant period of time, my right shoulder tends to get higher and higher with muscle tension.

Naughty Bobbin Presto Pullover top

I bought the fabric from a Facebook seller. It’s a synthetic probably polyester spandex blend, and has the right sort of drape and feel for this top. It’s fairly lightweight, so works well with a doubled front. Size wise I did the Medium but completely removed all waist shaping so that it essentially had straight side seams. And of course, I did the high rounded back alteration.

Naughty Bobbin Presto Pullover top

Coco describes this pattern as follows: The Presto! Popover Top is designed specifically for knits for the wash and wearability your daily life needs.  Knits with 5% or more stretch, especially ITY knits and rayon/elastane come in all colors and patterns, so make more than one and get on with your life.  Good bye washday blues!  With it’s clever double-front V-neck collar construction and the always comfy 3/4 sleeve the Presto! sews up quickly on the serger, but can be made on a zig-zag machine, too.  Can be made in heavier knits for winter, lighter knits for summer. Excellent choice for sheerer knits.


Other than the seam for the centre fronts, which was sewn on the sewing machine, I constructed the rest of this top entirely on the overlocker.  Hems were finished with a twin needle after securing with Vliesofix tape.

Naughty Bobbin Presto Pullover top