craft, sewing

Infinity scarves

Infinity scarves with zippered pockets are all over some of the sewing facebook groups this year.  I jumped on the bandwagon.

Infinity scarves with zippered pockets

The first one I sewed is for Stella’s grade 6 teacher. She’s had a wonderful year with Jack at the helm – he’s really encouraged Stella and helped with her overall confidence. I sewed this one in a remnant from The Cloth Shop Ivanhoe. Patterns for Pirates have a free tutorial on how to make them, and there are also a number of helpful tutorials on Youtube.

Infinity scarves with pockets

Then I was on a roll! Armed with more fabric from The Cloth Shop Ivanhoe, this time brushed cotton, I produced another four scarves. I reckon that zippered pocket is the perfect place for a phone, a key, or other items that you want to secret away in order to be hands free!

My tips when making these:

  • I used two metres x half the width of the fabric (which means I get two scarves from two metres
  • cut off the selvages
  • 9 inch zips (as per the tutorial) are harder to find; use 8 inch zips (or 10 inch) and make the pocket width one inch less; pocket depth of 7 inches seems to work well
  • Use a zipper foot when attaching the zipper and when sewing the long edges of the scarf together to ensure that the zipper tape is all in the seam allowances
  • Press as you go – don’t skip pressing the pocket pieces away from the zip, and don’t skip pressing other seams open
  • Use the base of the pocket as the opening for turning, then machine sew it closed afterwards
  • Make sure that the zip is open before you sew the short ends of the scarf together (or else you can’t access the pocket for turning!)
  • Use a stable fabric like quilting cotton for the pocket

I have a few more of these planned in printed rayon to work as more summerweight scarves.  They can also be sewn from knit fabrics.  They take me about 45 minutes to an hour each to make from cutting to finishing.  I am sure that you could sew them more quickly than that with a bit of practice.

Edited to add photo of the finished rayon scarves:

rayon infinity scarves with zippered pocket