children's clothing, kids clothing, sewing

Camp pants

This blog post is really mostly for my records, because it’s not terribly exciting for the rest of you!  As you know, both my girls are involved in Girl Guides.  Clare is a Ranger Guide, and has the opportunity to attend plenty of camps.  Apparently a must-have item of clothing for camp is a pair of camp pants – essentially a pair of pants that are as bright and patterned as possible.

Clare's camp pants - Simplicity 1043 girls size 14

Clare sewed this pair herself from Simplicity 1043, a kids pyjama pattern. She sewed size 14. It’s a super easy pattern – there’s just one pattern piece, so no outside leg seam. Elastic and a drawstring in the waist, and Clare decided to put elastic in the leg hems as well. The fabric is a brightly patterned rayon woven from Super Cheap Fabrics.

Camp pants - Simplicity 1043

I whipped up the next pair in quilting cotton from stash. Different fabric for each leg was Clare’s request! Originally she wanted a slimmer leg, but once I sewed these up and she realised that the quilting cotton didn’t have the drape of the rayon, we decided to leave them alone.

Camp pants - Simplicity 1043

Nice wide elastic in the waistband makes them super comfy. I make sure that I put a little tag at the back to make it easier to know which is which.  We didn’t bother with a drawstring for this pair.  Apparently both pairs of camp pants were well worn on her recent school holiday guide camp.  They certainly make a group of Rangers travelling around the state quite noticeable!
