adult's clothing, Liesl + Co, sewing

Liesl + Co Woodland Stroll Cape

I have had the Liesl + Co Woodland Stroll Cape pattern in my stash for a little while, but I think that it was seeing Sarah’s lovely version that pushed me over the edge into making it.

Liesl + Co Woodland Stroll Cape

The pattern description is as follows: Take a little stroll in this simple, chic, fully-lined cape. With buttons (or snaps) at the sides and the front, it’s easy on and off, and comfortable to wear when there’s a little chill in the air.

I sewed mine in vintage wool from deep stash; a lovely soft fabric that originally belonged to the mother of a friend. I wish I had paid more attention to stripe matching when I cut it out; although I managed to line up the blue stripes I failed to realise that it was an assymetrical stripe and didn’t align the black or white.

Liesl + Co Woodland Stroll Cape in vintage wool

I lined the cape with a slippery poly satin from stash. Because this jacket is lined edge to edge with the outer it’s important to understitch carefully to stop the lining from showing. I also topstitched around the entire hem edges for extra security.

Liesl + Co Woodland Stroll Cape in vintage wool

There is a facing at the back neck edge, but that is all. It wouldn’t be difficult to draft facings for all the hem edges if you were so inclined, however. The buttons are vintage, also from deep stash.

Liesl + Co Woodland Stroll Cape

One of the problems created by letting blog posts lag so far behind the actual time of garment construction is that I tend to forget some of the details. I think that I made this in size 12 throughout, although it could have been a 10. My measurements are closer to the 14 at the moment. I’m pretty happy with the overall fit – although fit is clearly not a big deal in a garment such as this.

Liesl + Co Woodland Stroll Cape

This turned out to be a much more pleasing garment than I had originally anticipated. It was an impulse sew one evening after seeing Sarah’s cape, and I’m very glad that I took the time to give it a go. There is also a kid-sized version of this pattern for those who want to wear a bit of “mommy and me”.