children's clothing, kids clothing, sewing

Simplicity 1625 for Clare

This is the dress that I made for Clare when I was at Sewjourn.  Super simple – it wasn’t even cut out before we arrived and still probably took less than two hours to make – and very much in fashion at the moment.

Simplicity 1625 in rayon from Darn Cheap Fabrics

It is a dress with an overlay flounce for the top. A front and a back piece for the dress, a front and back piece for the top, with the top overlaid then stitched to the dress around the armholes and neckline. After that the edges are treated as one. I used gorgeous spotted bias binding from Leith‘s stash to finish the armholes and neckline, but of course you can’t see that lovely detail when Clare is wearing it!

Simplicity 1625 in rayon from Darn Cheap Fabrics

There is a bias binding casing on the inside for elastic to be threaded through at the waistline. And that’s it! I used the overlocker for side seam construction and to finish the hems before turning them to the inside once and stitching by machine for a narrow hem.

Simplicity 1625 in rayon from Darn Cheap Fabrics

The fabric is viscose/rayon from Darn Cheap Fabrics. So soft and drapey, and I actually have plenty of it since it was on the $2 table when I bought it! Sarah has used it to make a gorgeous Kimono jacket. I’ve got a dress cut out for me, and there is still plenty! I used size 8 width and size 10 length for this dress. At first I thought it was possibly a bit too short, but Clare is happy with it and when I see the length of her friends’ skirts I realise that short is clearly “in” at the moment.

Simplicity 1625 in rayon from Darn Cheap Fabrics

I’ll definitely use this pattern again – it’s Simplicity 1625, and also includes a sleeveless layered top with V back, a V back top with gathered cap sleeves, and a shorts and capri pants pattern. I wouldn’t be surprised if every item gets made at some stage before the summer is over. Clare has worn this quite a lot already.

Simplicity 1625 in rayon from Darn Cheap Fabrics