
Back from Sewjourn

Three trips to Sewjourn in one year – I do feel rather blessed.


And this time, I managed to pace myself a little better than usual! There were still plenty of finished projects, but I was in bed before midnight both nights.


I sewed some repeat patterns and experimented with others. We enjoyed champagne and prosecco, and dinner at the pub.


Although I mainly sewed for myself, there were some items sewn for the girls. Sadly Stella’s dress is way too big and will need some serious alteration. Not looking forward to all that unpicking – it’s a fully lined dress!


There was a small sewing injury when I snagged my foot around a machine cord and somehow managed to create a very sore bruise – and it was my pedal foot! I bravely soldiered on.


So over the course of the weekend I sewed ten items. And feel rather positive about most of them! There were some wonderful garments produced by the group, many of which I rather wanted to steal. It’s lovely to share ideas.


Proper blog posts on all the items that I made, with details of the patterns and fabrics used (and hopefully decent photos) should appear over the next few weeks. Thanks again to my wonderful sewing companions. I had a blast!

EDITED TO ADD:  A few people have asked about how you go about having a “Sewjourn” type of weekend.  It’s easy really – grab a few like-minded friends, find a place that you can rent for the weekend – preferably one that is set up for craft retreats (such as Sewjourn or The Retreat or Millhouse Retreat, all of which are near Melbourne but if you do some googling and research I bet there would be plenty of other appropriate places), load up the car with your sewing projects and equipment – and some chocolate and champagne – and off you go!  It’s about diarising the weekends, choosing somewhere not too far from home in order to maximise sewing time instead of travelling time, and the rest is up to you.