miscellaneous, musings

Me Made May

I’m a little bit late with the blog post, but at the very last minute I decided to join in with Me Made May.


I was really unsure about adding a “challenge” to what is already a busy life.  I mostly wear clothes that I have made, but joining in Me Made May just to do what I usually do isn’t really part of the Me Made May ethos – it’s about challenging yourself to push wearing self made clothing that little bit more.  Upon reflection, I decided on the following pledge:

‘I, Lara of Thornberry, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’14. I endeavour to wear at least one me-made garment each day for the duration of May 2014, including on work days’.

Work days are the ones when I often wear entirely shop bought, especially in winter.  I have a number of warm stretchy merino blend garments from mesop that work beautifully in the office in cold weather.  However, I also have plenty of warm garments that I have made myself hanging in the wardrobe – so this month will be something I’ve made EVERY single day.  Especially because, like Leith, at the end of the month I plan to do a major wardrobe purge, really identifying the things that I love to wear and passing on those that I don’t.  I’ll instagram my daily garments.  A few years ago I took daily “what I wore” photos, and found it really helpful in identifying the workhorses in my wardrobe.  Hopefully this will do the same thing.