
lacy red scarf

Oh, for the day when I come up with creative blog post titles!  Until then, easily searchable ones will have to suffice.  From July 26th to August 23rd this is what I crocheted.  It’s lacy.  It’s red.  It’s a scarf.

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It is very difficult to photographs scarves effectively! Hats off to those people that do it professionally for crochet and knitting books and magazines. The yarn is Frog Tree Ewetopia, the most divine squishy and springy merino wool that I have ever had the pleasure to squish. I bought two balls from Prudence Mapstone’s stand at the last Craft Fair I attended, and got the scarf pattern with it. It’s called the Lacy Tunisian Crochet Scarf – just the sort of naming convention I like.

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This is my first completed Tunisian project, and I’m very pleased with it. I might just have to get off my bottom and work my way through the Tunisian crochet class that I’m enrolled in! I worked on it in a piecemeal fashion on public transport, in cafes, and in breaks at work, which is the only reason that it took so long for me to do. I did persuade Clare to model it for me. I was a little worried that she might not give it back.

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More details on Ravelry over here.  And guess what – a new yarn shop has opened in my ‘hood!  Shall be checking it out later this week….could be dangerous!