miscellaneous, musings, Uncategorized

random links and ramblings

When I am not sewing much – and I do realise that is a relative term, for me “not sewing much” means that I haven’t sewn for three or four days – it does allow me a little more head space to think about my sewing and to reflect on other things that I notice around the sewing blogs.  Some things that have drawn my attention lately include the following:

Free t-shirt patterns that I have tried or want to try:

These posts on the Already Pretty blog (a style blog that often makes me think about how those of us that sew approach issues like fit and flattery)

New patterns that I fancy

  • Anna dress (yes I bought it) – but WHY does this pattern company not provide a line drawing of their patterns?  I need to see the shape!  I need to see the seamlines!  Not only photos of finished garments on models with figures very unlike mine!
  • Saltspring dress (not for me, as it has a defined waist and spaghetti straps but it’s so cute!)
  • Grainline Lakeside Pajamas

Craftsy classes that I am enrolled in but have barely started

And some Craftsy courses that I am considering taking BUT I have to finish the above classes first

I’ve been laughing at the Camp Gyno advertisement (the funniest ad for “feminine hygiene” products that I have ever seen)

Reading this excellent post on choosing linings

Admiring other people’s finished garments:

Enjoying reading Carolyn’s adventure with sewing Burda 08-2012-142 (I think I want to make this dress)

Being amazed by Cathrin’s review of Medieval Week (the level of detail that goes into their outfits is amazing)

Discovering that there are yet more independent pattern lines being released

Listening to Thread Cult podcasts (thanks to Leith for alerting me to these)

Missing many of my old favourite bloggers who have hung up their blogging hats

Accepting that many of the patterns favoured around the sewing blogosphere – moreso by younger bloggers who have a waist – are never going to suit me and will never be made by me

Realising that I am really starting to look my age.  I am so blessed to be my age and where I am in life.  It still surprises me though when I look at photos and see a middle-aged woman who is me!