
the knitting…

The eagle eyed of you who waded through my post on Tasmania may have spotted that I used the “k” word.  Yes, I went over to the dark side – I temporarily abandoned my first love, crochet, and did some knitting.


But I didn’t abandon the hook and replace it with those pointy sticks – this is arm knitting!


What the hell is arm knitting, I hear you say? Knitting on your arms, that’s what it is! You use your arms as needles! I cast on eight stitches, and happily arm knitted away until my yarn was gone. It took me around half an hour. And how did I know what to do? Good old youtube, of course!  I used the instructions in this video.


Because the work isn’t turned, each side is different. I held a strand of slub wool from Dairing together with a strand of fabric yarn that I’d cut from stretch fabric (you can buy fabric yarn if you don’t fancy making it). Arm knitting is a great way to use novelty yarns or thick yarns that you really don’t want to muck around with too much. Give it a go – I’ll be trying it again possibly sooner rather than later!