family, miscellaneous, WIP, work in progress

bits and pieces…

Wow, that weekend flew by quickly!  We had a “home” weekend, which was needed after a busy week full of play-dates for the kids.  With Stella starting school, I thought that it was important to foster her new friendships with playdates that she can’t easily have during term time (after school care two afternoons per week and other activities on another two).  She is making friends with the sweetest little girls – but it also means that I am spending time getting to know new school parents.  Although I am often quite social, I am actually a person who really needs her alone time to recharge and reconnect.  So all this socialising and being nice to people was wearing me out!  The weekend was a welcome respite.  So, what did we get up to?  The kids watched an inordinate number of movies on TV.  They prefer DVDs to going out to the cinema, and there was a huge DVD sale on at the local supermarket.  They also spent a lot of time out in the backyard on the swing set and trampoline, so it wasn’t all about screens!  The Uno set also got a fair workout.  My husband repaired my bike carrier (broken when I fell off almost a year ago), mowed the lawn and started repainting around our deck.  We both managed to get to the gym for a decent workout.  Had coffee at a local cafe.  Read the newspapers.  I began work on getting through the mending pile (some achieved by putting the garment in the bin).  And I did other bits and pieces.

Unchain My Heart tunic in progress

Some hooking while watching Downton Abbey last night.

yo yo

Made some yo-yos for a quilt top while watching Doctor Who with the family (even little Stella who is possibly much too young to be watching it but isn’t scared as long as she is snuggled up to Daddy).

twist locks

Inserted twist locks for the very first time (beautifully, if I do say so myself) while doing some secret pattern-testing.

Nothing finished, but lots in progress!  And spent a little time on Ravelry finding a jacket pattern to crochet for the twin baby girls that a friend gave birth to during the week.  Now to make a final decision on what to make for the SewcieTea coming up this Sunday – and getting it done!  But had better dash off – the week has started again, and we’re off to swimming lessons every day this week.  With some more playdates thrown in for both children.  Oh, to be a primary school aged child – my girls have a pretty good time of it!