what I wore

what I wore – weeks 43 & 44

It looks as though I managed to wear around half and half me-made and shop-bought over the past couple of weeks.

what I wore - weeks 43 & 44

Some of the shop-bought garments have been from mesop – they have a clearance store quite nearby, so I “rewarded” myself after my dermatologist visit with a browse through the $20 per item rack. All of their garments are from stretch fabrics, which they have made locally, and the garments are constructed locally as well. I love their relaxed styles and the comfort factor. I’ve also been examining them to see how they are constructed. Quite often the sleeves are cut double with the hem on the fold, providing support for the sleeve and removing the need for a sleeve hem. Edges are sometimes hemmed with a coverstitch, sometimes with a babylocked edge. Mostly I drool over the fabrics – I just need to figure out where they offload their fabric over-runs….

And I’m off to Sewjourn shortly – see you on the other side!