children's clothing, kids clothing, sewing

New Look 6972

It seems as though I have made Stella another Christmas day dress!  How did that happen?  And how will she choose?  This is New Look 6972, view C.

New Look 6972 view C, size 4

Both fabrics are quilting cottons. There are some pretty details on this dress too. I really like the sweet gathered half-sleeves (much like the ones on the other dress actually!) and I chose to bind them in the contrast fabric rather than just hem them. The armholes are finished with bias binding as well.

New Look 6972 view C, size 4

That little curve in the front yoke is so sweet! I used an invisible zip in the back.

New Look 6972 view C, size 4

Since I’d made plenty of bias binding, I used it on the hem as well. And there is even a matching reversible headband! Which the pattern had me cut on the bias for some reason – it means it’s a bit ripply. If I made it again I’d cut it on the straight grain. Anyway, which dress do you think she’ll choose to wear on Christmas Day? This one or the other?

New Look 6972 view C, size 4

Vintage Crochet Friday is taking a little break for a few weeks, but should be back some time in the new year!  Especially if I have success in the oppys…