children's clothing, kids clothing, sewing

take one pillowcase

My girls love their pillowcase dresses.  Actually, in our house they are pillowcase nighties.  I made a couple more when I was at Sewjourn – Stella has been stealing Clare’s.


The softness of these old pillowcases makes then perfect for nighties, and they’re also perfect for the hot summer nights ahead. Loose and cool, and highly adjustable – they fit for years.


There are a million tutorials around for pillowcase dresses. I use one that has elastic through the top of the front and back, and then the armholes are bound with bias and they tie on the shoulder. It means that there is no drawstring around the neckline. I used the same bias binding for the armholes and the trim near the hem.  Actually, I’ve made so many of these now that I don’t even refer to a tutorial.  They take around half an hour to make.


The best bit? This nightie matches the bed sheets.