bags, sewing

go granny panel bag

By the time you read this I will be sewing my little heart out at Sewjourn.  I wonder how much I’ll have made by now… One of the items on my “to sew at Sewjourn if there is some sort of time-shifting apparatus and I somehow fit a week into two days” list was a bag for me.  As it turns out I made it during the week!  It’s my “Go Granny Panel Bag”.

Panel bag

And as for the name – “Go Granny” – for the superb granny square fabric in the centre, designed by the wonderful Cam of Curlypops fame. I actually have another project in the works in this fabric – maybe I’ll finish it over the weekend! As you know, I do love my crochet, whether in yarn or on printed on fabric. I had enough of the fabric for an interior zip pocket as well.

Panel bag - inside zip pocket

And the bag pattern itself – the Panel bag by Nicole Mallalieu Design – now known as You Sew Girl! I’ve made this one twice before, and am very pleased with this version. The denim is the same as I used for the girls’ denim and doilies dresses a couple of weeks ago. And yes, there is more of it left. The bag hardware and interfacings all came from Nicole Mallalieu Design as well. The lining is from Anna Maria Horner’s first quilting range, Bohemian (special thanks to Sheridan for finding this piece for me).

Panel bag - interior

I find it so difficult to photograph bags effectively! Anyway, the above photo shows the key leash and the interior divided pocket, which keeps my fancy phone safe and helps me to organise the contents of this capacious bag. I used one shoulder strap, and made it adjustable.

Panel bag - strap detail

Can I show off the ric-rac edging that I used to trim around the top of the bag? Just because I love it.

Panel bag - pleat and trim detail

So overall verdict? I’m happy with myself, and even happier that I know such talented women who come up with wonderful fabric and professional patterns! There are some imperfections in this bag – I need to do Nikki’s better straps class – but no-one ever said that I have to point them out individually! Enjoy your weekend and think of eight happy women sewing/embroidering/quilting/chatting away……

Panel bag