children's clothing, kids clothing, sewing, vintage patterns

vintage Style 4140

Finally some summer sewing for one of the girls!  First cab off the rank is a quickie, vintage Style 4140 (copyright 1973).

Vintage Style 4140 size 8

This pattern was designed to be made in woven fabrics. Clare and I chose a stretch cotton knit from stash (I think it was originally from an op shop). I sent poor Clare out into the cold to model this yesterday evening.  You can almost see the goose bumps.


Because of my fabric choice I eliminated the centre back zip and turned the back facing into a casing for some elastic to improve the fit.  The size 8 was a little big for her, but she is a growing girl.


The front doesn’t gather up quite as much as I thought it might. I probably won’t make this again – because I have so many other patterns in stash – but if I did I’d alter the front pattern piece a little at the top there for some more gathering. The pattern was beautifully drafted with armhole facings and came together very nicely.


I’d prefer a stronger colour on Clare – this is really a bit too pale for her; it blends in with her skin tone too much. It will be nice and cool and comfortable when summer eventually hits though. She likes it, which is the main thing. I’m so glad that my 8 1/2 year old still wants me to make clothes for her!