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Reflections and predictions

Over on Sew Mama Sew we were asked to reflect on the sewing scene of 2010 and come up with some predictions for 2011.  Here’s my offering!  And to break up the text, I’m going to subject you to mosaics of almost everything I made during 2010 – and they include the successes and failures.  There are a few things missing that I failed to photograph…maybe I’ll get to them this year!

2010 sewing for me part 2

Looking back on the sewing scene of 2010, what trends stand out in your mind?

Australian fabric designers, the use of solids in quilts, sewing using patterns from independent pattern designers and magazines such as Burda and Ottobre,  babushkas, craft bloggers writing books, the popularisation of crochet.

2010 bags, patchwork and other crafting

What were some of your favorite things? (Trends, fabric collections, patterns, blogs? Whatever you really loved.)

In terms of quilting fabrics, I love Denyse Schmidt’s and Anna Maria Horner’s designs.  I especially like the voiles – which I use for garments.  Heather Ross’s prints are also beautiful, as are Heather Bailey’s, Tula Pink’s, and of course the Kaffe Collective. In terms of patterns, I really loved seeing how sewists such as Carolyn took an inspiration photo and a tried and true (TNT) pattern to come up with something that was truly them yet of the minute.  As far as blogs are concerned, I have around 300 in my reader!  Way too many, but with folders as diverse as crochet, dressmaking, quilting, Aussies, faves and the classic “miscellaneous”, it’s hard to pare back!  I have enjoyed seeing others embrace crochet and finding a crochet community – thank you Ravelry!

2010 crochet

What was your very favorite fabric collection or print? (If not listed above.)

My favourite quilting fabric collections are Kaffe’s and the abovementioned voiles. As far as dressmaking is concerned I branched out into sewing many more knits than I used to. All those knit dresses!

2010 sewing for me part 1

What was the best thing you made in 2010? (Be sure to share a photo!)

I’m not sure what the best garment I made was, although I was pretty keen on the Atlantis dress and the  circles skirt.  And let’s not forget the bathers! Crochet-wise I’m pretty proud of the crochetalong blanket, although much of that was actually done in 2009. I’ve pleased with the way that my crochet has improved over the past year – I’m getting better at reading patterns and making garments. The quilted cushion was also a highlight, as was getting the wedding quilt finished in time.  Participating in Around The Block has been wonderful both in terms of how much I learned and how many wonderful women I met.  And I pretty much like everything I’ve made for the girls.

2010 for the girls part 1

What is one of the best things you saw that was made by someone else?

Too hard – too many wonderful things to choose from!

What do you think 2011 has in store? (Again, trends, fabric, patterns, etc.)

This is a difficult question!  Trends keep on evolving I suppose – one builds upon another.  Solids seem to be huge in the quilting world, so I suppose that will continue.  The dressmaking world will continue to be inspired by vintage patterns, and more people will upgrade their sewing skills.  Any other suggestions?

Anything you’re ready for the sewing world to get over?

Wonky.  I’m over wonky.

2010 for the girls part 2

What’s on your sewing agenda for 2011? What are you excited about? What would you like to learn more about?

I want to get better at fit.  I want to learn more about pattern drafting and alterations.  I want to draft up some slopers or tried and true basic pattern blocks.  I want to sew more for me – although when I look at those mosaics I sew plenty for me! – and I want to sew with more of a plan.  I want to sew (and crochet) through some of my stash and stop adding to it (unless absolutely necessary).  I want to crochet myself more garments.  I want to finish off my unfinished quilts.  I want to grow and develop my skills, and enjoy the process and much as the product.  But I want to do all this without pressuring myself.  Is that possible?

I’m excited about more trips to Sewjourn and attending Sew It Together in Sydney.  I’m excited about the prospect of Northern Craft Bonanza starting up again soon.  I’m excited about the release of Nikki‘s book later this year.

What about you?  What are your reflections and predictions?