miscellaneous, musings

my happy list

Kate has started up a little happy list meme.  I’m not often one for doing the Pollyanna thing, although lately I’ve been trying to focus on the glass being half full rather than half empty.  We’ve had a difficult couple of years, and it’s easy to get dragged down, so I thought it might be nice to give the happy list a quick, stream-of-consciousness try. Good things that come to mind:

my happy list

Dr Seuss stories in bed on a Saturday morning.  Two healthy, happy little girls.  Chocolate from the Advent calendar.  A husband who loves me and adores our daughters.  Buckwheat pancakes with maple syrup.  Ground decaf coffee.  Sun shining, breeze blowing – a good drying day.  Free activities for the kids this morning at Spotlight.  Weekends.  Finished a crocheted cardi for Stella – and had a comment from the designer.  Lovely banquet dinner with work colleagues last night.  Full tummies.  Pimms.  Thornbury market today.  Wonderful school report for Clare.  Sleepy warm children cuddled up in bed.  Online shopping.  Body pump classes – once they finish.  A job I enjoy.  Stella’s dance class.  Clare enjoying keyboard lessons.  Rap performances at school assembly.  Ikea fabric.  The kids play area at Ikea.

Christmas 2010

Watching the girls chat to Santa.  Friends and family.  Finishing the ironing.  Craft magazines.  RA in remission.  A comfortable and secure home.  The girls proudly telling people that mummy makes their clothes.  Compliments.  Having some quiet time to just think.  Booking flights and accommodation for SIT. The enthusiasm of many.  The kindness of strangers.  People who love me.  People I love.  One week left of school.  Holiday plans.  Sewing plans.  My sewing room.  Buffy on DVD (now up to series 6).  Movie night at home tonight.  The kids on their scooters.  My girls knowing and loving their grandparents.  Hugs and kisses and I love yous from my girls.

Right, now I’m rambling.  And I see that a happy list is a thankful list.  Join Kate over here if you need to focus on the happy too.