my creative space, patchwork, quilting

My creative space…

my creative space... still quilting

I still haven’t finished quilting the wedding quilt for my niece. I’d planned on doing it last weekend while visiting my parents but other things occupied my time.  The wedding is less than two weeks away. And I’m away this weekend cavorting with the women from my book group – nowhere near a machine. Mum has loaned me her wonderful fancy sewing machine with its automatic needle down function – vital for quilting this one because I am quilting a line a quarter inch away from the seam of each zig-zag and am stopping to pivot the quilt at every zig and zag point. I’ve flipped up the back table of my horn sovereign sewing cabinet to support it.  I have to stop and take a break every three or four rows because manouvering all that fabric is hard work – it’s a good thing that I go to the gym but now I think I should have done even more pump classes in preparation!  I need some discipline to get this done – then there’s still the binding (maybe it will be machine stitched).

Check out what others are up to via Kirsty – and check out her free 2011 calendar while you’re there!