my creative space, patchwork

My creative space…

The wedding quilt is in progress.  I cut six 4.5 inch strips from each of the 13 fabrics, sewed them into pairs according to my layout diagram, then sliced each of the paired strips into five 8.5 inch squares.

quilt in progress

If you’ve already done the maths, that is fifteen squares in each of the paired fabrics. The next thing to do – attempt the layout!

laying out the blocks

Oh my goodness. I used nine of each square to make up each zig zag row. A fair bit of the size will vanish into seams, but it looks like this will be a big quilt. And I’ll have enough squares to make another little one!

Next step – sewing the blocks together. I also need to estimate the finished size and order some backing fabric. The ones I’m using for the front are all from ranges by Carla Miller for Rowan Westminster, now discontinued.  I hope that the bride-to-be and her family haven’t been reading my blog lately, because I’m giving away the surprise in these posts!

For more creative spaces, visit Kirsty.