Month: August 2010

adult's clothing, sewing

Another Jalie 2804

It’s the Jalie 2804 Empire Crossover Top again, in a soft mystery remnant from stash.

Jalie 2804 Empire Crossover Top again

This time I added the modesty panel, and still did the ruched front overlay with long sleeves. The fabric was a lot softer than the wool jersey I used last time, and I had to take it in a little through the body.

Jalie 2804 Empire Crossover Top again

I’m not quite certain about the modesty panel – although it means I didn’t have to bother with a camisole underneath, it pulls on the armhole. It also means that if you’re included the ruched front overlay there are five layers of fabric to seam together at the centre front. That wasn’t an issue with this soft fabric, and you can’t really see the pulling because of the print, but if I’m making it again in a plain fabric I won’t include the modesty panel.

Jalie 2804 Empire Crossover Top again

This is a great pattern; I think it would flatter many figures.  I’ve seen a few maternity/breastfeeding versions of it over on Pattern Review too; someone asked me whether they thought it would work for that, so clearly it would (not that I will be needing it for maternity or breastfeeding, my time for all of that is well and truly over). 

Poor little Stella has been sick for the past five days with an URTI and fever.  She asked me on Friday if I’d make her a pink poncho.  How could I refuse an ill child?  It was finished this morning and I shall show it off as soon as she actually agrees to try it on… We’ve also been the house of pom-poms and twisted cords this weekend.  The kids and their friends have been kept busy for hours with garish acrylic yarn and pom-pom makers.  What fun!

my creative space, patchwork

My creative space…

You want an update on the wedding quilt, don’t you?  Believe it or not, the top is completely pieced.


I’ve cut off all the extra little triangles that were hanging off each side, and the final quilt top is plenty big enough for a queen sized bed. I’ve bought the batting and now I’m waiting for the backing fabric to arrive. I’ll have to piece it together to get adequate width, so might make a long feature strip with offcuts from the front. Then to baste it – I’m hoping to get that professionally done, because I really don’t fancy crawling around on the floor trying to put hundreds of pins into a queen sized quilt. I will be quilting it myself though! The wedding is on the 16th October, so pressure is beginning to mount.

Pop over and visit Kirsty for some more creative spaces!


Hot pads, potholders and dishcloths

When I first discovered that people actually crocheted and knitted dishcloths and washcloths I was astounded.  Wouldn’t the traditional square of terry towelling do?  And why crochet or knit hot pads and potholders?  Why spend that time on making such utilitarian items?  Now I know why!


It’s so much fun! What a great way to use small amounts of yarn left over from other projects (these are all crocheted in worsted weight cotton: Lily Sugar’n’Cream, purchased from American Yarns Online).  What a great way to play with colour!  What a great way to learn new techniques and experiement with shape and form!  All incredibly satisfying.  Mine will probably end up on a wall as decoration rather than what they were designed for, but you never know.

The Chrysanthemum Dishcloth (a free pattern but you need to register).


The Ripple Potholder (but mine is only one layer so it’s a dishcloth)


The Scalloped Potholder (I did make this double-sided, brown on one, yellow on the other)


A Stir Me Up potholder (free Ravelry download) – this one is slightly different on each side as well


Another Flower Hot Pad


And a Starburst hotpad


And that’s it! I’m all out of the yarn – about a metre left of each. I worked all of these with a 4.5mm hook. Lots and lots of fun – why not give one (or two) a try?

Hot pads


Golden Hands Hats

So, away from politics and back to the crochet hat pattern from Golden Hands!


I used 8 ply from stash, primarily wool, with a 4.5mm hook. Whipped up a hat for myself:


then whipped up another for a friend who always wears hats.

Rachael's purple hat

I reckon that this pattern has stood the test of time.

miscellaneous, musings

Australian Politics 101

We’ve been busy trying to explain the Australian political process to Clare.  We’ve told her that there are different levels of government, and that the election that took place yesterday was the Federal election, which is the one for the whole country (the State election is coming up later in the year).  We’ve told her that the Federal election is about who will be running the country and making decisions about issues that affect everyone across Australia.  We’ve explained that there are two Houses of Parliament, the House of Representatives and the Senate, and that each is voted for in a different way.  We’ve explained that in Australia there are two major political parties, the Labor Party, headed by Julia Gillard, and the Liberal/National coalition, headed by Tony Abbot.  We’ve explained that there are other parties too, such as the Greens, and there are independents that aren’t aligned to a particular party.  We’ve explained that each party has it’s own policies and ways of approaching issues, and that people vote for the person in their area that will represent them according to what that person and their party say about their policies.  We’ve explained how preferences operate and how votes then pass from one party to another party.  Clare has been asking lots of insightful questions and I’m very impressed by her seven-and-a-half-year-old grasp of what is going on.

And Stella?  With all this talk of parties, she insisted on wearing her party dress today.  She’s been running around the house singing “Happy Birthday”.  She thinks she’s going to a party.  Can’t say that I’m celebrating at the moment though…

Edited to add for the benefit of non-Australian readers:  As of lunchtime Sunday, Lisette at Textile Seahorse has posted an excellent summary of where things curently stand, which includes the following:

  • a hung parliament
  • balance of power spread among five white middle class men whose views range across the spectrum
  • the youngest ever MP (who is 20)
  • the first Aboriginal MP
  • the first Green MP

and more interesting facts you can read here

miscellaneous, musings

Election Day

It’s Election Day!  And you know what? I love it!  I love that we have the opportunity to vote and have a say.  I’ve been telling my girls that there are places in the world where people fight and die for the right to vote, but here in Australia everyone votes and has the opportunity to have a say in how their country is run.  I love that everyone comes out of their homes and lines up at the local school and has their say.  I love the school fundraising sausage sizzle – we spent a couple of hours this morning cooking sausages and pouring coffee for people waiting to vote.  I love the sense of community and purpose that I find on election day.

Tomorrow will I love the outcome?  Not sure yet…

vintage crochet

Vintage crochet Friday #74

Did your mother/aunt/grandmother (or you!) have a set of Golden Hands when you were growing up?  My Mum collected the weekly partwork, and my Nanna collected Golden Hands Monthly.  I spent many hours browing through them as a child and teenager, and even made some projects from them.  I wonder what happened to the two dolls I made from one of the early issues?  They possibly went to the same place as both Mum’s and Nanna’s magazines – the op-shop.  Anyway, last year I found a set of Golden Hands in a local op-shop, and it came home with me.  Does anyone else remember this design from Issue 3?


Well, I made two in the last week!  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s blog post.

my creative space, patchwork

My creative space…

The wedding quilt is in progress.  I cut six 4.5 inch strips from each of the 13 fabrics, sewed them into pairs according to my layout diagram, then sliced each of the paired strips into five 8.5 inch squares.

quilt in progress

If you’ve already done the maths, that is fifteen squares in each of the paired fabrics. The next thing to do – attempt the layout!

laying out the blocks

Oh my goodness. I used nine of each square to make up each zig zag row. A fair bit of the size will vanish into seams, but it looks like this will be a big quilt. And I’ll have enough squares to make another little one!

Next step – sewing the blocks together. I also need to estimate the finished size and order some backing fabric. The ones I’m using for the front are all from ranges by Carla Miller for Rowan Westminster, now discontinued.  I hope that the bride-to-be and her family haven’t been reading my blog lately, because I’m giving away the surprise in these posts!

For more creative spaces, visit Kirsty.


Flying Fans Shawl

Another person’s misfortune has become my good fortune.  I crocheted the Flying Fans Shawl (Ravelry) link as a gift, but made a big mistake in the pattern and didn’t realise until it was way too late to unpull and redo it.  It’s not good enough to give away as it is, but it’s fine for me to keep and wear!

Flying Fans Shawl

I used a ball of Sullivans sock yarn (wool/nylon, around 4 ply). It’s very light and lacy and could be worn in a number of ways.

Flying Fans Shawl

This was my travelling project for a number of weeks, so it was picked up and put down a lot. I suspect that’s where I started to miscount and mucked up the pattern. Can you see what I’ve done wrong?

Flying Fans Shawl - mistake

Blocking made a difference to this shawl – it really opened up the spaces and emphasised the lacyness. I simply pinned it onto the mattress in the spare bedroom and measured it to ensure it was symmetrical.

Flying Fans Shawl

It wasn’t a difficult pattern once I got into the groove – just a two row repeat – but I found the written instructions a bit difficult to follow and possibly inaccurate at first. There is now a diagram to go with it which really helps. I’ve wound up another skein of yarn to start on the shawl to replace it – you know how long some of my gifts take to get to the intended recipient!

Flying Fans Shawl - stitch detail

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