patchwork, Sue Ross Block of the Month

Sue Ross Block of the Month #2 and almost #1

I signed up to the Sue Ross BOM from Material Obsession because I adore the way that they use colour and I thought that doing a block of the month program would force me to extend my piecing skills.  It certainly has – the first month’s block (August) was quite a challenge!  So, I shall quickly move on to the September block…

Sue Ross BOM September 2009 by you.

What a gorgeous block!  I chose the “Pretty” colourway for my blocks, and I certainly haven’t been disappointed.  The fabrics I have recieved all work together beautifully.  This block took me around three or four hours to cut and assemble and isn’t quite perfect, but I figure that by the time this is quilted I won’t really notice the imperfections.  After all, this quilt is a learning experience for me!  Here’s some detail:

Sue Ross BOM September 2009 - detail by you.

Those points aren’t too bad for a relative novice, I reckon!  Clearly my years of dressmaking experience have been very helpful when taking up patchwork.  So, back to the August block.  It was meant to be hand-pieced then the circles appliqued on.  I chose to machine piece (after all, I figured it couldn’t be harder than setting in a sleeve) but still haven’t got around to learning how to do the needleturn applique to attach the circle to the backing (or the centre circle, for that matter).  Please ignore the pins!

Sue Ross BOM August 2009 by you.

My biggest concern with this one is that the circle is a little wavy – I’m going to have to ease it into shape when I stitch it down and pray that I can press it with loads of steam to sit flat when it is all finished.  I like it, but it wasn’t easy to do well!  So on to October, which arrived late last week.

Sue Ross BOM October 2009 by you.

More curves and more templates!  This is going to be a very pretty quilt in a year’s time, and I reckon by the time that I finish it I may well feel completely exhausted, but very happy.