
More practice blocks

My name is Lara and I am an addict.  I am a patchworkaholic.  I think it’s official.  I’ve been making more, more, more practice blocks from my fabric scraps.  A wonky log cabin block:

Practice block E - wonky log cabin by you.

And another one:

Practice block F - wonky log cabin by you.

Then my first try at an improvised house block – not wonky enough!  The next one of these I do will be much more crooked and asymetrical.

Practice block G - not-wonky-enough house by you.

Finally, one of my favourites – a spiderweb block.

Practice block H - spiderweb, paper pieced by you.

I used paper foundation piecing following these instructions to make this block, and I think it took me around four hours to complete.  Phew!  It certainly used up a fair number of scraps.  I love quilts made from this pattern, and surely it would be faster with practice.  There are plenty of tutorials with varied ways to construct these blocks on the internet.

I don’t think that there is a cure for this addiction.