op-shopping, patterns, vintage patterns

Some more vintage Style patterns

Firstly, what thoughtful, insightful, and perceptive comments to my last post!  Thank you so much to everyone who responded.  There are numerous points of view, and reasons why to sell or not to sell your craft are certainly more varied and more individual than I’d anticipated.  I’ll do a summary post in a few days time.  Thanks again for your input – and anyone else who’d like to put their two bobs worth into the discussion would be very welcome.

These patterns were puchased during my last trip to visit my parents.  Country op shops are always more of a success for me than my local ones – probably because locally I’m competing with so many adept Northern suburbs op-shoppers.  You know who you all are!

vintage Style 4291 by you.

I’ll possibly never make this one for either of my girls – it was really a nostalgia purchase for me.  I made lots of similar drop-waisted dresses.  I can remember one in particular that I made for Christmas one year, with a sailor collar.  I was probably in about year 7.

vintage Style 1218 by you.

This one is rather sweet!  Nice details with the way the sleeves and bodice have been seamed.  I probably will make a short version of the pink dress for Clare eventually.

vintage Style 3464 by you.

This one is my favourite!  I’ll definitely make it for Stella (it’s only size 4, so Clare doesn’t get a look-in).  I like the way the skirt is gathered in to the square yoke, and it looks comfortable as well as pretty.  I hope my daughters are happy to have me sew for them for a long, long time.