Chaletgirl's block swap, patchwork, Uncategorized

Block swap part 4

A couple of us are getting a little ahead of ourselves with Chaletgirl’s Block Swap.  We’re not due to get this finished until the end of October, but I’m already halfway there!  These blocks are for Lisa.

Lara vs Lisa (Bootgirl72) by you.

Pindots are such a great fabric to work with in this swap.  I love all four of these blocks.  There are more photos in the Flickr group here.  The next group of blocks are for Donna.

Lara vs Donna (craftjunk) by you.

Her fabric worked so well with my contrasts from the Chocolate Lollipop line by Anna Maria Horner.  But have a good look at the one in the bottom left corner – that’s right, it’s missing two of Donna’s squares and hasn’t been completely sewn together yet.  That’s because Stella found a nice sharp pair of scissors and took to four of the nine squares I had all laid out ready to sew.  She may have thought she was just doing what Mummy does.  Luckily for me Donna is very understanding and has some spare fabric and the situation is not irredeemable.  She did ruin the beautifully fussy cut square I had planned to put in the centre of the block – I’m still desperately going through my scraps trying to find one large enough to replicate my original plan.  By the way, Stella was okay and didn’t hurt herself with the very sharp scissors.  In fact, she was quite talented at cutting.  Hmmmm.