Day: 29 May 2009

books, craft, fabric stash, op-shopping, vintage patterns

Goodies from Lancefield

Not only does Lancefield have Sewjourn and a farmers market –  it also has a terrific op-shop and an excellent book shop right beside one another!  These are my oppy finds:

Lancefield op-shop goodies by you.

A little sewing box, in excellent condition; vintage patterns; crocheted doilies; needlepoint (I have been inspired by Floss and her interpretations from this book to do something creative with it); and pillowcases for dresses and quilts.  There are a few pieces of Chocolate Lollipop fabric in this photo too which Emma kindly gave me.  I’m planning on incorporating the doilies into clothes for the girls.  I have loads of crocheted and embroidered doiles that my Nanna and my Mum made many years ago, but can’t bring myself to cut into them – hopefully I’ll have no such qualms with ones I’ve bought from the oppy!

Lancefield op-shop vintage patterns by you.

The patterns are pretty groovy – I’ll definitely give the Simplicity one a go for myself, and it won’t be long before my girls are wanting dresses and shorts like those in the teen Butterick pattern, I’m sure!

Material Obsession 2 by you.

I bought a copy of Material Obsession 2: Shared Inspiration at the book shop.  I actually prefer it to the first book.  There are so many quilts in there I’d love to attempt – but I’d better move on from beginner status first, I suppose.  I particularly like this one:

Material Obsession 2 - inside by you.

I always like bright colour combined with white in quilts, and particularly like it when the pieceing creates secondary patterns (rather than having blocks defined by sashing).  So this quilt speaks to me on a number of levels.

Lancefield op-shop doilies and needlepoint by you.

So, will I be able to cut these up?  Only time will tell!