children's clothing, kids clothing, sewing

New Look 6690 for Clare

We’re heading off to sunny Cairns in the morning (do I hear all the Melbournites give a sigh in envy?) and I should be packing or we won’t be ready to leave in time!   But ah, the computer calls.  I’ve made Clare a new summer dress for the trip:

New Look 6690 View D for Clare by you.

The pattern is New Look 6690, view D/E.  Clare chose the fabric from Amy Butler’s Daisy Chain line.  Not pink, yay!  And although I didn’t pay much attention when cutting out the pieces (other than trying to centre the motifs), look how well it all lined up at the side seams!  Not perfect, but not bad either.

New Look 6690 View D for Clare - side detail by you.

The most important part of it though is the Clare test.  What did she think?  Well, the first comment made in the morning was “did you finish making my dress?”  And there was plenty of preening in the mirror.

New Look 6690 View E on Clare by you.

Such an easy to wear style, and super quick to make.  I made a size 4 for Clare, and added about an inch to the length.  You really do need to measure pattern pieces and check ease before deciding what size to cut – Clare turned 6 years old in January, and although she is definitely short (like mother, like daughter), I wouldn’t have originally thought that size 4 would be big enough.  But after wielding the tape measure, it was the perfect size to use.

New Look 6690 View E on Clare  by you.

And look at that smile – Clare lost her first baby tooth on Monday night!  My girl is growing up.