craft, fabric stash, patchwork, planned projects, quilting, sewing, Uncategorized


Jodie really IS omnipotent.  What a Blogmeet!  There have already been a number of reports in the blogosphere – you can find some  here, herehere, here, here, here, here, here, and here.  I have taken so long to blog about it because I have been a little overwhelmed by the cleverness and creativeness and generosity of the women who were there.  It truly was a wonderful day.  There was lots of squealing with excitement upon first meeting, a little bit of fabric shopping, lots of vintage fabrics given away (I think I received more than my share) and lots of talking, laughing, talking, giggling, talking, eating, and FUN!  I’m going to steal the list of who was there from Jodie:

We began the day at the wonderful Ballarat Patchwork, where I added to my dress fabrics stash courtesy of Emma’s grandmother’s stash.  Thanks again Emma!  It is a beautiful store, lovely to look at, with many stunning quilts to be admired.  I bought a few fabrics for a baby quilt I’ll be test sewing soon:

Fabric for test sewing baby quilt by you.

More muted than my usual colour choices, but I think they’ll be perfect for this quilt!  I am a completely novice quilter (although fairly experienced sewer) so being in the company of many well practiced quilters I took the opportunity to ask their advice about plenty of things!

From there it was on to a local park to partake of lots of yummy food then back to Jodie’s for more very yummy food.  No disastrous meringues there – this woman can cook as well as sew!  See, omnipotent!  Nikki picked up this gem of a book from 1971 for me while out opshopping on her holiday, and we had a good giggle over some of the creations within.

 The Family Crochet Book 1971 by you.

Some of the garments are actually really nice (in the right yarns and colours) but there are some other “treats” – I’ll share them over the next few weeks.  And some of the styling is very special.

So it was back on the train and home to Melbourne in the late afternoon, crochet hook and yarn in hand and brain overflowing with ideas and inspiration.  I made lots of crochet mistakes due to lack of concentration – I was simply too distracted by the events of the day!