Day: 27 July 2008

craft, crochet, this is ...

This is … what I do with scraps of yarn

Crocheted chain - closeup by you.

I turn them into a long chain of loops, as per Sarah London’s Loopy Loop instructions!  What fun!  It’s a real conversation starter too – I’ve been doing this at work, at book group, even at my sister-in-law’s 50th – and everyone wants to know what I’m doing.  And what I’m going to do with the loopy chain once I finish.  Any suggestions?

Crocheted chain from scraps by you.

This one is still in progress, and isn’t as beautifully photographed or colour-coordinated as Sarah’s.  But it is fun to do!  Thanks again to Angela for hosting “this is”.

craft, patchwork, quilting, sewing

Lucy’s blanket

Although I have made a number of these patchwork blankets in the past, I don’t really consider them to be quilts (hence my churn dash quilt being my “first”).  They’re really blankets, with pieced patchwork tops.  No actual quilting involved!  This one is for baby Lucy.

Blanket for Lucy by you.

There is a layer of polyester batting in the middle (good quality polyester batting, suitable for blankets that are likely to get a fair bit of machine washing) and it is backed in flannelette.  The vintage chenille was all bought a little while ago from a marvellous eBay seller who alas no longer sells chenille ( Jodie!) and the prints are from my stash.

Blanket for Lucy by you.

Babies seem to like the mix of texture and colour.  This is about cot size: suitable as a lap quilt as baby grows.  I cut a second set of squares at the same time to make another one for Stella.

baby, miscellaneous, musings, planned projects

A week between posts

This may have been the first time that I’ve gone a whole week between blog posts (other than when I’ve been away on holidays).  I’ve been doing a little bit of crafting, but haven’t completed any projects.  Currently I’m working on a chain of crocheted loops, a crocheted scarf, a cot quilt for a friend’s new bub (yes, the one I visited a week ago – this will be a late baby gift), a bag for a friend’s sister, another bag for a friend who just turned 40 (the party was on Friday night; the gift will be very late), my kitten embroidery from Brown Owls, and the back of my Churn Dash quilt.  Lots of unfinished items there – but they are works in progress rather than UFOs sitting in the back of the cupboard!

I visited the Quilt and Craft fair on Friday with my parents and Stella.  The quilt display was incredible.  I am astounded by the amount of time, love and work that goes into making quilts!  I found it really useful as a way of crystallising what I like in a quilt.  Although there were many that I can appreciate, I really like quilts that are pieced, rather than appliqued, and I prefer traditional designs but in comtemporary fabric prints.  And I like a lot of white!  Now there are a few new quilt ideas percolating in my brain.  And would you believe it, with all those stalls at the fair, I didn’t buy ANYTHING!  Nothing at all!  I had too-much-choice paralysis.  I did collect some business cards from places that I know I’ll go back to one day, but otherwise I was overwhelmed with the variety.

Generally I try to stick with crafting in this blog, but this post from Pip really struck a chord with me!  My life is flat chat at the moment.  I’m not doing a particularly stunning job at anything.  By the time I work two long days at my regular paid job, do the books for our businesses, do the washing, ironing, tidying, sorting, shopping, bill-paying, etc, my kids and hubby aren’t getting the time and attention they deserve.  I’m taking multi-tasking to a stupid level (even now as I type I’m playing a game with Clare – and I should just stop typing, give her my undivided attention and play).  Superwoman I’m not.  But I have so much internal conflict about what I SHOULD do and what I want to do (and they are sometimes the same thing).  I need time for myself, but I don’t want to be taking it at Clare’s and Stella’s expense.  Like many women, it doesn’t seem to matter what choice I make; I end up feeling guilty.  I feel guilting about the amount of time I spend blogging too, of course.

Enough navel-gazing!  Stella has a cold and is asleep at the moment and Clare is occupied with a puzzle, so I’d better get to the shower and make a proper start on the day.  I’ll be back later with normal programming!  And because I don’t like to post without a photo, here’s one to finish off.  Stella has this thing about climbing.  Since she’s only 13 months old, it’s not such a good thing.

Stella the climber by you.