Day: 11 July 2008

craft, patchwork, quilting, sewing, WIP, work in progress

To sash or not to sash?

Okay, twelve blocks pieced.  Now, to sash or not to sash?

I figure that if all the blocks are pieced together without sashing it gives nice options for quilting in the cream squares formed by four triangles.  But would it look better with sashing to define and frame each block?  And if it is sashed, should I use a contrasting fabric or use more of the calico?

I’m not going to get back to this until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.  I welcome feedback (although I’m leaning towards not sashing)!  Thanks also for all the comments on the previous post – quilting is obviously an extremely popular pastime.

craft, patchwork, quilting, sewing, WIP, work in progress

My first quilt top begins

Finally I have started to piece together more churn dash blocks.  It would have been better if I’d started this right after Megan’s quilting lesson, which was way back in May, but time slipped away from me.  Now I’m having to rack my brain a little to remember what to do.  I am trying to piece the whole thing in logical units to speed it up a bit, rather than focusing on one block at a time.  Is that what you are meant to do?

These are all 9 inch blocks.  I’ve got twelve cut out and almost pieced together, but I am considering doing another four blocks and making it into a square quilt top.  The fabrics are scraps from my stash mixed with – okay, you serious quilters cover your eyes now – calico.  Yes, I know, calico is apparently only good for puddings, but since I had some in the stash it made sense to me to use it for this first quilt, which is in essence a practice quilt.  I didn’t want to spend any more money on fabric at this point!

Four squares pieced, eight more to finish (unless I decide it does need to be a square quilt top).  I am still trying to decide whether to put sashing between each block or whether to just piece them together as they are.  So many decisions seem to be involved in patchwork and quilting!  Then it will be to decide what backing, what wadding, what quilting, what binding, how wide, etc.