Month: July 2008

craft, crochet, patterns, planned projects, sewing

The postman rings twice

As you know, when I don’t have much time for crafting myself I seem to rely on my postman to bring me crafty goodness.  These arrived on Monday in two deliveries:

postman rings twice by you.

The beautiful mini patchfolio is from Linda at Craft Apple as a little thankyou for testing her car organiser pattern.  It is absolutely gorgeous – what a delightful combination of fabrics!

Mini patchfolio inside by you.

The inside fabrics are particularly lovely together.  I intend to use this patchfolio for noting craft and sewing inspiration.  Thank you again Linda!

The other delivery was a crochet book (via Amazon):

Crochet bouquet by you.

There are lots of lovely floral motifs in this book.  I must have been inspired because I found enough time to flick through the book properly and then to make this Gazania for a work colleague.

Gazania for Jess by you.

It has a brooch back attached to it.  I’ve been crocheting at work in my morning tea and lunch breaks lately, and Jess has been fascinated about the whole process.  I reckon that I might be able to get her hooked too!

I had better get up to the sewing room while Stella has her day sleep – Nikki has a fantastic giveaway going on her blog for her latest bag pattern, the Teardrop.  And since I am a tester and she needs some feedback before she can actually give away her bag pattern and kit, it’s time for me to get cracking!  Jump over to her blog and leave a comment to be in the running to win a kit.

craft, crochet, this is ...

This is … what I do with scraps of yarn

Crocheted chain - closeup by you.

I turn them into a long chain of loops, as per Sarah London’s Loopy Loop instructions!  What fun!  It’s a real conversation starter too – I’ve been doing this at work, at book group, even at my sister-in-law’s 50th – and everyone wants to know what I’m doing.  And what I’m going to do with the loopy chain once I finish.  Any suggestions?

Crocheted chain from scraps by you.

This one is still in progress, and isn’t as beautifully photographed or colour-coordinated as Sarah’s.  But it is fun to do!  Thanks again to Angela for hosting “this is”.

craft, patchwork, quilting, sewing

Lucy’s blanket

Although I have made a number of these patchwork blankets in the past, I don’t really consider them to be quilts (hence my churn dash quilt being my “first”).  They’re really blankets, with pieced patchwork tops.  No actual quilting involved!  This one is for baby Lucy.

Blanket for Lucy by you.

There is a layer of polyester batting in the middle (good quality polyester batting, suitable for blankets that are likely to get a fair bit of machine washing) and it is backed in flannelette.  The vintage chenille was all bought a little while ago from a marvellous eBay seller who alas no longer sells chenille ( Jodie!) and the prints are from my stash.

Blanket for Lucy by you.

Babies seem to like the mix of texture and colour.  This is about cot size: suitable as a lap quilt as baby grows.  I cut a second set of squares at the same time to make another one for Stella.

baby, miscellaneous, musings, planned projects

A week between posts

This may have been the first time that I’ve gone a whole week between blog posts (other than when I’ve been away on holidays).  I’ve been doing a little bit of crafting, but haven’t completed any projects.  Currently I’m working on a chain of crocheted loops, a crocheted scarf, a cot quilt for a friend’s new bub (yes, the one I visited a week ago – this will be a late baby gift), a bag for a friend’s sister, another bag for a friend who just turned 40 (the party was on Friday night; the gift will be very late), my kitten embroidery from Brown Owls, and the back of my Churn Dash quilt.  Lots of unfinished items there – but they are works in progress rather than UFOs sitting in the back of the cupboard!

I visited the Quilt and Craft fair on Friday with my parents and Stella.  The quilt display was incredible.  I am astounded by the amount of time, love and work that goes into making quilts!  I found it really useful as a way of crystallising what I like in a quilt.  Although there were many that I can appreciate, I really like quilts that are pieced, rather than appliqued, and I prefer traditional designs but in comtemporary fabric prints.  And I like a lot of white!  Now there are a few new quilt ideas percolating in my brain.  And would you believe it, with all those stalls at the fair, I didn’t buy ANYTHING!  Nothing at all!  I had too-much-choice paralysis.  I did collect some business cards from places that I know I’ll go back to one day, but otherwise I was overwhelmed with the variety.

Generally I try to stick with crafting in this blog, but this post from Pip really struck a chord with me!  My life is flat chat at the moment.  I’m not doing a particularly stunning job at anything.  By the time I work two long days at my regular paid job, do the books for our businesses, do the washing, ironing, tidying, sorting, shopping, bill-paying, etc, my kids and hubby aren’t getting the time and attention they deserve.  I’m taking multi-tasking to a stupid level (even now as I type I’m playing a game with Clare – and I should just stop typing, give her my undivided attention and play).  Superwoman I’m not.  But I have so much internal conflict about what I SHOULD do and what I want to do (and they are sometimes the same thing).  I need time for myself, but I don’t want to be taking it at Clare’s and Stella’s expense.  Like many women, it doesn’t seem to matter what choice I make; I end up feeling guilty.  I feel guilting about the amount of time I spend blogging too, of course.

Enough navel-gazing!  Stella has a cold and is asleep at the moment and Clare is occupied with a puzzle, so I’d better get to the shower and make a proper start on the day.  I’ll be back later with normal programming!  And because I don’t like to post without a photo, here’s one to finish off.  Stella has this thing about climbing.  Since she’s only 13 months old, it’s not such a good thing.

Stella the climber by you.

miscellaneous, musings, this is ...

This is … what makes me happy

A photo of my children is predictable, isn’t it?

Watching Clare and Stella play and laugh together makes me happy.  I am often astounded at how much pleasure I receive in watching them giggle and interact, especially now that Stella is old enough to play in a more deliberate way.

This also makes me happy.

Learning a new skill.  Sewing, putting pattern and colour together, seeing something grow that wasn’t there before.

Amazon also makes me happy!

What else makes me happy?  Hubby, of course!  My parents, my extended family, my friends.  Looking across Melbourne on a chilly winter morning watching the hot air balloons floating over the city.  A cup of decaf coffee and a caramel slice.  A night of uninterrupted sleep.  Time on my own.  Being up to date with the ironing (that one is especially for you Freya).  Theatre and musicals.  Having actually finished reading the assigned book in time for book group.  Dinner out with my mother’s group.  Time on my own.  Good food.  Good wine.  Friday afternoons.  Nice comments on my blog.  Living in Australia.  Good health.  Community.  Finally succeeding with breastfeeding.  Visiting craft markets.  Managing to keep the balls I’m juggling all up in the air.  Counting my blessings.  And have I mentioned time on my own?

Thanks again to Angela for hosting “this is” and to Jacinta for a truly wonderful, thought provoking theme.

craft, sewing, softies

Kitty – Softie for Mirabel

Why do I procrastinate for so long – it probably only took about four hours from cutting out to the final stitch of embroidery.  Here is my Softie for Mirabel.

This is Kitty, made from a Wee Wonderfuls pattern (with permission to donate for charity auction).  Of course, Stella seems quite taken by Kitty, and Clare wants one as well.  Looks like there is more softie making in my future.

I didn’t complete any of the other crafty tasks I’d set myself over the weekend, but instead managed to spend some hours cuddling a friend’s beautiful one-week old baby.  Newborns are so tiny and precious!  That wispy hair!  That fuzzy gaze!  Those slow-motion movements!  Stella seemed huge in comparison, as she climbed onto chairs and tables (and promptly fell off).

craft, fabric stash, planned projects, sewing

Other people’s giveaways and so on

I’ve been working on my quilt – the borders are now attached in readiness for me to take advantage of GJ’s Discount Fabrics sale next week to buy batting.  For those of you in Melbourne – GJ’s has 25% off all patchwork fabrics including all battings and craft accessories from 9.00am Monday 21st to Saturday 26th July.  They’re at 443 Lygon Street, Brunswick East.  Then I need to piece together the backing, and start quilting!

There are a couple of terrific giveways happening in blogland at the moment.  You probably already know about Old Red Barn Co’s Win This Quilt competition which closes in a few days time – since there are already over 1,500 commenters!  Another giveaway that you may not know of is Handmaiden’s 100th post giveaway  of handmade Swarovski crystal and pearl earrings.  They’re extremely beautiful!

Clever Kirsty has a wonderful tutorial on her blog for the hand-pieced pincushion that we made at Brown Owls a few weeks back.  The tutorial is in video, powerpoint and pdf format – what a woman!  I notice that it has already been picked up by the likes of Whipup!

And once again for Melburnians, there are some great markets happening this weekend.  On Sunday there is the annual Design Market, on from 10 to 5 in the car park under Federation Square.  There is also the brilliant Shirt and Skirt Market at Abbotsford Convent.

But most importantly for me, what is on from Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th July at Jeff’s Shed?  It’s the Craft and Quilt Fair!  Yay!  Mum, Stella and I are going on Friday morning.  Anyone up for a bit of a blogmeet there at some stage?  I wonder if Stella will mind having her daytime sleep in the stroller while I chat and shop…..

On my agenda for this weekend: make a Softie for Mirabel, and my first (and hopefully only) commisioned piece; a very good friend has asked me to make a bag for her sister’s birthday.  I also need to finish (ahem – start) my book for book group on Monday.

Since I wouldn’t want to post without a photo, here are my most recent fabric purchases.  These were from Spotlight’s bargain table a few weeks back.  Some voiles:

and some corduroy (edited to add: the corduroy wasn’t on the bargain table, but was still a good price).

Have a lovely weekend!

craft, crochet

July 2008 CAL blocks

Only half way through the month and I’ve finished the July blocks!  As usual, in Bendigo Woollen Mills 8 ply cotton, crocheted with a 4.5mm hook.  The pattern is Star Overlay.  In Fennel and Heather:

and in Heather and Fennel:

I’ll be working with these five colours for the remaining ten blocks.  I’m considering doing a final round of dc for every block in a sixth colour (possibly a light coffee colour from the Bendigo cotton range) before joinng the squares.

Crochet seems to be everywhere in blogland at the moment!  There are some terrific examples of crochet on Sarah London’s blog – I have a bag of yarn ends left over that is being transformed into a string of Loopy Loops at the moment.  And of course, everyone who crochets or knits should join Ravelry!  It is the most astounding resource and is packed with information and inspiration.  Get your name on the waiting list for an invitation to join (the wait is only a few days) and spend even more time researching your craft!

craft, embroidery, work in progress

Sublime stitching at Brown Owls

Last night’s Brown Owls theme was Sublime Stitching.  What a plethora of gorgeous embroidery designs to choose from – both modern and vintage!  I haven’t ever used iron-on embroidery transfers – which became extremely obvious when I turned up the heat of the dry iron, pressed it down hard on the transfer and fabric, and proceeded to scorch the entire thing.  And I did it twice.  I’m very lucky that Kirsty and Pip were so tolerant of my ineptitutde!  I spend many hours wielding an iron, but with plenty of steam and lots of movement.  I’m clearly a dud with pressing – or maybe it was just a really hot iron!  Eventually I managed to transfer the design to fabric and start stitching.

See the scorch mark on the transfer?  Anyway, I’ll hopefully finish it off over the next couple of days, then come up with a project to include it in.  I also picked up a couple of balls of crochet thread – I’ve never worked in anything so thin – and the dutch ladies to stitch eventually.  It was another lovely crafty and chatty evening (even if it did mean missing The Farmer Wants A Wife).  I should be reading over the next few days rather than crafting, as I am hosting book group next Monday night.  Hook and needles down and book up!

craft, patchwork, quilting, sewing, WIP, work in progress

The quilt top is pieced!

Firstly, thank you so much to all the people who left me a comment on my post about whether to sash the quilt top or not!  You really helped me – I had lots of possibilities to weigh up and it was really useful for me to get words of wisdom from experienced quilters.  After considerable thought I went with my first instinct – no sashing.

As you can see, I made an additional four blocks, making it a square quilt.  I like the way that the white squares form their own pattern; sometimes I look at it and see the coloured blocks as individual units, and other times I focus on the white squares.  I still think that it would have looked good sashed in white, so the colours seemed to float – maybe for a future quilt!  I reckon that I did an okay job of matching up the points for a beginner.  I took it around to Megan’s today and got some suggestions for the border fabrics and widths.  I also discovered that since I don’t own a walking foot for my machine, I’ll be quilting this by hand.  Hmmmm.

Clare helped me to decide on the placement of the blocks, with lots of suggestions on which fabrics looked best with which based on their depth of colour, how busy the print was, etc.  She is only five – I was very impressed!  She thinks that I should have replaced the darkest green block with a new one in a different shade of green – she’s probably right, but I wanted to include this block because it’s my first patchwork block.  While I was sewing it all up, she did a little hand piecing herself.

She did a more even running stitch than I do!

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