this is ...

This is … the contents of my handbag

I’m getting in early with this week’s “this is …” – and it’s the contents of my handbag!

Yes, I know, it’s such a mum’s handbag, isn’t it! 

Across the front of the photo: mobile phone; purse; keys; lipstick in case; sunglasses case; diary/address book; zip pouch with medicines, bandaids, pocketknife, tampons & other handy stuff; arrowroot biscuits; rusks; apple; jar of baby food; baby spoon; toy mobile phone for Stella; cloth book; tissues; spare bag for shopping.

Okay, take a deep breath, and the back row has: Clare’s watch that needs a new battery; cloth nappy, cover, wetbag, dry facewasher; bib, damp facewasher, burp cloth; change mat; disposable nappy, plastic bag for dirties and baby wipes.

Oh boy.  That is a lot of stuff.  And it’s all usually in there. Sometimes with more stuff.  Jeepers.