adult's clothing, crochet, patterns, sewing

Simplicity 3790 – sleeveless version

The sleeveless version of Simplicity 3790 is finished, in size 12 with FBA.

Note to self: don’t wear a black bra under lacy blue fabric.  Especially when the diamond parts of the lace are placed right in that spot.

No drag lines on this one though – I think I’ve improved the sizing.  I bought loads of this fabric incredibly cheaply at a Spotlight sale last year, but it’s probably not the best to work with to get a good idea of fit.  Just not as drapey as many knit fabrics.  You’ll be seeing more of it though, since I have so much!

The hem is actually even all the way around – it’s just the way I’m standing that makes it appear different.  The only part I’m not as happy with here is the back neckline – it seems to be gaping a little.  I probably need to experiment with doing an adjustment for my slight “dowager’s hump” (what a shocking name for a figure feature), but that would require a centre back seam and/or some darts – neither of which I particularly want in this type of pattern.  I might experiment a little though next time I make it and see what I can do.  It could be due to the fabric more than the pattern.

The multicoloured February CAL block is finished.

I’ve actually done a good job of crocheting this one, but you’d have no idea from looking at that photo, would you!  That yarn shows very little stitch definition – all you can see is those blobs of colour.  I hope that Clare’s doll really likes this multicoloured afghan once it is done!