bags, crochet, miscellaneous, planned projects, sewing, WIP, work in progress


I was planning on showing you a photo of my crocheted squares with the last colour of yarn finally crocheted around them, all laid out awaiting blocking.

I was also planning on showing you a photo of my completed flower brooches.

I was also planning on showing you a photo of my current work in progress, yet another crocheted scarf, in Clekheaton’s Vintage Hues (to match the beanie), working in a zig-zag pattern.

However, the bloody burglars that broke in yesterday stole my digital camera, along with some cash and the spare set of house and car keys.

So this morning we’ve had all the locks changed in the house (they broke in through the back sliding door, the same place as last time) and spent lots of time talking to our insurers.  We’ve also got to get the car keys changed – which we have discovered is a very expensive proposition.

We’re highly unimpressed.  The house was only empty for about an hour, and doors were locked.  Pity we hadn’t turned on the alarm . . . I’d never been robbed before this year, and now that is twice since Easter.

Now that I’ve ranted a little, I’m planning on sewing a bag this weekend for my sister-in-law’s birthday.  I’ve got the pattern, the fabric, the notions – now to find the time!  Let’s see how far I get.  I also need to research what would be a good digital camera to buy so that you’ll be able to see the final result!