craft, patterns, sewing

Friday at Stitches and Craft

Stitches and Craft Show Melbourne 2009 by you.

Stella and I did a reconnaissance trip to the Melbourne Stitches and Craft Show on Saturday – you can’t do serious craft show browsing with a toddler in a stroller!  But in the two hours we were there we did have a lovely time scoping the shed and deciding what I would get up to when I returned the next day.  I have to say that the change of venue was a massive improvement over Caulfield racecourse – plenty of natural light, loads of space (very important when there with a pusher) and very easy parking.  A bit of air-con would have come in handy on Friday, but overall I was pleased with the Showgrounds.  There was even a proper mother’s room in the adjacent building.  I managed to say a few quick hellos to some of the crafty stallholders that I already knew (and introduced myself to a few others I knew from their blogs).  I didn’t have my camera with me but there are some great photos of the Show here and here and here and here.  Jodie gave me this lovely parcel as a thank-you for test-sewing her teapot and teacups pattern:

Ric Rac knows how to wrap a crafty gift! by you.

She really knows how to wrap a crafty gift!  Inside were these:

Ric Rac patterns - gift from Jodie by you.

Wow, thanks Jodie!  Just lovely!

I somehow managed to wangle an invitation to dinner with some of the stallholders/bloggers that evening.   Sooz organised a marvellous night out at a Lebanese restaurant.  The food was superb, and the company fantastic!  We each took along a handmade gift to exchange.  I made these:

Blog dinner gift exchange from me by you.

a crocheted beanie (the Divine Hat pattern once again) with matching flower brooch, and a Puff purse, packaged in a drawstring bag.  These went to lovely Cathy – and in a rather funny twist, I had made the drawstring bag following one of her tutorials!  I was lucky enough to receive these:

Kristen Doran fabric panels - gift exchange by you.

absolutely beautiful fabric panels from Kristen Doran.  It was a marvellous evening – more information and photos here and here.  And I went back to Stitches again on Saturday with Clare and my friend Megan – more in the next post!