children's clothing, craft, crochet, kids clothing, planned projects, sewing

Four projects finished

I’ve managed to complete two skirts for Miss Clare, sew the buttons onto her cape (she’s so cute in it – her Daddy just thinks she needs a basket full of apples to make her Little Pink Riding Hood), and finish off my spiral scarf – with a couple of pom-poms hanging off each end.  The scarf took way more yarn than I would have thought – I seemed to be off buying “one more ball” for about three days in a row!  Anyway, I think that it looks fantastic, and the weather here is cooling down enough to wear it.  Hopefully I’ll get my computer back tomorrow some time and then I can overdose this blog with photos.  In the meantime, the next crochet project will be a tea cosy – I just bought some brilliant patterns for them from crochetroo on Etsy.