craft, crochet, miscellaneous, musings

Still waiting

I completed a crocheted hat in a rainbow printed yarn for Miss Clare today – the photo will have to wait until I have my computer back!  She wore the pink woolen one I finished yesterday all day today; we had many compliments on it, which was lovely!  She looks so cute in a beanie (with crocheted flower on the side).

Spotlight had a sale on Simplicity patterns, so I stocked up a little.  It is frustrating though that we are so behind the US with pattern availability.  I use the internet to check out patterns and see which I am interested in; because of the difference in seasons, there are loads that I can’t buy here yet, even though I want them!  I also visited GJs Discount Fabrics in Lygon Street – they have a brilliant range of patchwork and quiliting fabrics.  I am trying to decide what ones to use to make a huge pinboard/wall pocket for the sewing room, but there are so many that are so beautiful that it all gets a bit difficult!  Today I just settled for a couple of dress fabric remnants ($2 per metre – bargain!) to go into the stash. 

Baby is now 8 days overdue; I had a CTG and AFI done this morning, and baby is doing fine.  Just doesn’t want to come out!  I think that it is frustrating those around me more than it bothers me.  I’ll go back to the hospital on Monday (11 days over) to repeat the tests, then to discuss induction later in the week if necessary.  I’m glad that I work in a maternity hospital so am pretty well informed; I think that it would all get a bit overwhelming otherwise.  It’s not unusual to be post-dates; actually, most women who aren’t induced give birth after 40 weeks, not before. 

Anyway, I’d better go and chat to my husband and daughter!  It’s a full moon tonight – I wonder if baby is likely to want to make an appearance!