craft, crochet, planned projects, work in progress

Crochet has begun

I’ve made a start on a ripple scarf (I figured that would be a good way to get used to crochet in preparation for a ripple blanket) and I’m really enjoying it!  It’s very simple, of course, and very meditative.  Still quite a way to go though:

I’ve also bought some yarn to make a striped scarf for hubby:

And to make a scarf for me that will be crocheted lengthwise rather than across:

It is so nice to work with good yarns!  Aren’t they such lovely colours!  The scarves for me are both in Patons Jet; the one for hubby is in Patons Inca.  Wool/alpaca is such a soft mix.  Miss Clare has put in an order for a scarf as well (but I think that I’ll need her input in yarn choice – hmmm, potentially pink?).

It is taking me ages to update posts at the moment – we have reached our internet upload and download limit this month, which has NEVER happened before (we usually use very little of it) so the internet has slowed down dramatically.  It looks as though some “enterprising” person is connecting in to our wireless internet and is using up our bandwidth and downloads – we’re not impressed!  The cable guy is coming this evening to remedy the situation.  In the meantime, blogging is more difficult!