craft, miscellaneous, sewing

Another generous blogger

Kellie recently held a giveaway with the prize being one of her superb art smocks.  If you haven’t seen them yet, you should – she is a quilter and applique-er (is that a word?) extraordinaire!  She has even been generous enough to provide a tutorial on how to make them.  I was lucky enough to win the rocket-ship smock that she was giving away.  But when Kellie realised that I have two little girls, she suprised me by making an entirely new one with a girly design!

Art smock by Don't Look Now by you.

Isn’t it absolutely gorgeous!  And as if that wasn’t enough, she also made Jemma the sock monkey for the girls (although I think I shall keep her for myself).

Sock monkey Jemma by you.

What a talent – and she manages all this with FOUR young children!  Yikes!  There are more pictures over at her blog.  Thank you SO MUCH Kellie – and I look forward to meeting you in real life once you’re back from your overseas jaunt!