miscellaneous, musings, this is ...

This is … my favourite kitchen tool

Hubby is actually the best thing in our kitchen – he cooks most of the meals.  My specialty is meringues.  But the best kitchen tool?  I’ve chosen two.

This is ... my favourite kitchen tool by you.

Two very simple things – a Good Grips potato peeler (it is so easy to use) and a “kaas schraper” (hubby’s parents are Dutch, so there are a few dutch expressions in use at our house).  The cheese scraper is such a great invention!  I can never slice cheese thinly enough with a knife, but you just drag this across the top of a block of cheese and you have lovely thing slices.  And a little less dangerous for me than using a knife (although the blade on this is pretty sharp too – my fingers are not completely unscathed).  Thanks to Sharon for this week’s theme and to Angela for hosting “this is”.

And while I am thanking people, I need to send a massive THANK YOU to all those who responded to my last post.  You all gave me more to think about and such lovely encouragement to continue with my blog.  I’ve decided that I blog for me, but I also do blog for you!  It’s that community thing.  I am back to focusing more on the positives – I think that maybe writing that post was therapeutic.  And I’ll try to remember Hoppo Bumpo’s words – “blogging without obligation could be very liberating!”