fabric stash, sewing

Jungle January swap

Well, it’s been quite a week.  Stella went back to school – grade 2 for her – and Clare started high school.  She was SO excited about it; no nerves at all from her, just anticipation of what the next stage might bring.  But I have to admit that I cried more than once as I took her to school for day one – but I did make sure not to cry in front of her!  I wanted her to just keep on feeling great about it and not worry about my tears.  It is a big step for all of us.  I imagine that the next year will be a massive learning curve for her and for us as her parents.  She’s incredibly well prepared and so ready for it, and I think that we are too.  But it is very emotional for me!  We are all very proud of her.  I’m also emotional about Stella moving in to grade 2 and being at primary school without her big sister being there to fall back on.  I am sure that it will be a great thing for her and give her the opportunity to grow and develop purely as herself, not in relation to her sister.  There will be lots of changes there too.  Phew!

You may be aware that Jungle January has been on this month, and that there was a fabric swap organised as part of it.  I was lucky enough to be paired up with Liz of He Cooks, She Sews! and she sent me this wonderful little package.

Jungle January package from Liz to me

That jersey is definitely going to become a wrap dress, most probably this one. This print is right up my alley! The two patterns were a lovely little extra. Clare spent a bit of time with the croquis included in Simplicity 2983 working out what styles she’d like me to sew for her, and came up with these two.

2015-01-26 09.26.17

2015-01-26 09.51.48

You can see the fabric and other bits and pieces that I sent to Liz over here. (Unsurprisingly, I bought some of the fabric for myself too.) Liz said some very complimentary things in her blog post about how much I get done.  I do sew a lot.  There is no denying that.  It sometimes amazes me too that I can get so much done.  But there are few reasons behind why I can be so productive.  Yes, I currently do work full-time – but my husband is currently at home full-time, so I’m not doing the cooking/shopping/cleaning at the moment, which means my “free” time is more available.  I am able to sew in snatches of time, because I have a fully set up sewing room that even has a couch and TV in it.  So while Stella is in the shower?  I can sew.  While I’m chatting to Clare?  I can sew.  While watching TV?  I can sew.  I’ve been sewing all my life, so I’m pretty quick.  And I sew simple things.  Not because I can’t sew more complex things (I have done in the past, still do on occasion, and probably will in the future) because those styles and silhouettes are what I prefer to wear.  And yeah, I’m obsessed.  But I’m not wonder woman, I promise you!

I was hoping to get another item or two finished before Jungle January was over, but time flew away from me and it’s unlikely to happen (unless I stay up sewing very, very late tonight and count on the time difference between Australia and the US to help me sneak another garment in). But don’t you worry, the Jungle love will continue throughout the year in some way or another!