fabric stash, family, Thailand 2014

Fabric shopping in Chiang Mai – what I bought

I have two blog posts to write about what we got up to yesterday (Friday) in Chiang Mai, but I won’t have a chance to get to them until tonight.  So to put the eager sewists out of their misery, I’ll show you the fabrics that I bought.


These are all woven locally, although by machine, not by hand. They are all cottons. The one with the squares is a double gauze. I bought three metres of each.


These came from the same shop. Once again, they are all cottons, woven locally. The spot is for a dress for Clare, and the check is for shorts for Dan. Three metres of each!


The stripe is linen, and is destined for a top for Clare and possibly something else. The navy cotton has a textured self-stripe and a woven border. The green and white is cotton voile. The linen was around A$7 per metre, the navy just over A$1, and the voile less than a dollar. Three metres of each! Do you see a theme here? These were all purchased in the market.


Also from the market, something a little bit fancy! Embroidered cottons in yellow/white for Clare and pink for Stella, and a heavy cotton blue and cream lace for me. One and a half metres of each. Not super cheap, but about a third of what they would cost in Australia.


And last but certainly a very long way from least, beautiful handwoven cotton mudmee fabric from Lampang, a gift from Gaye. I was so thrilled to receive this – such a perfect souvenir from Thailand! Gaye also sells this fabric in her etsy shop – I strongly suspect that I will be purchasing more at some stage.

So there you go – what I bought! It’s all been distributed between our suitcases, hoping to not tip over the weight limit too much. We are about to head to the airport to catch our flight to Khao Lak via Phuket, and are very sad to leave both BaanBooLOo and Chiang Mai. I have a strong suspicion that we will be back one day….