children's clothing, craft, kids clothing, miscellaneous, musings, sewing

Almost spring

The last two days have been lovely.  I’m not sure if it is because the sun has been shining and I can tell that spring is almost here, or because the planets have finally aligned nicely for me!  Yesterday morning after school drop-off I was able to stand and chat with some of the other mums for a while because I didn’t have anywhere that I had to dash off to.  It was so nice not to be rushing!  Then I had a look at the primary school art show, full of artwork done by the students.  I was astounded at the creativity and quality of their work.  What a treasure of an art teacher we have!  I wish that I’d taken photos.  All types of media were used, including textiles, with a variety of themes to their work.  I felt so proud of the school!  Afterwards Stella and I headed over to Nicole Mallalieu Design to pick up some more bag-making supplies, and lucky me, Nikki had just arrived and we were able to have a long overdue chat and catch up.  Our daughters played beautifully together while we had a coffee and talked all things bags and textiles.  Pretty impressive, because Nikki’s little one has a bit of an aversion to Miss Stella (who tends to suck on her toys and scatter them all about).

Stella fell asleep in the car going home, and transferred inside beautifully into her cot.  While she slept I finished off the ironing and whipped up a skirt for Clare from these instructions.  It is about as simple as they come, and I’ve made plenty of skirt without patterns before, but it took seeing this one in the blogosphere to get me inspired and sewing!

  Lazy Days skirt by you.

After school we invited ourselves to a friend’s house for a play, and ended up staying for dinner as well. The kids played beautifully, the adults drank glasses of wine while the sun set, and we were all home with kids in bed by 7.00pm.  I did some more crochet, read part of a novel, and went to bed.  All very, very pleasant!

And today has been lovely too.  Miss Clare had a check-up at the optometrist this morning, and the patch is doing its job and her eyes are equalising.  Another six weeks of intensive patch-wearing, then we can begin to taper it off.  Clare and I had brunch together at a local cafe before her Bollywood dancing class – during which I read more of my novel while sitting in the sunshine – and this afternoon we’ve been at a birthday party for a special two-year-old.

And now?  The kids are in bed, somewhere during the day I managed to tidy the house and hang out and bring in and fold washing, so it looks as though this evening I can crochet and read some more.


lazy days skirt - bouncing by you.